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Check out my fancy new cross stitch frame!

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Check out my fancy new cross stitch frame!

Post by LucyInTheSky »

I've always used a hoop to cross stitch. I recently purchased a frame and set it up tonight with my current WIP, Epic Mario Through The Ages

First problem - the rods weren't long enough. Because who reads the description when they buy something? I made it work by folding the ends over slightly, so no big deal...
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My plan is to set it on my desk and x-stitch while I watch tv, like I did with the hoop. Before securing it with the velcro tape, I wanted to see how it looked/test it out. Well, the "watch tv" bit of the plan didn't look so good...
IMG_9996.JPG (84.65 KiB) Viewed 4349 times
I adjusted which holes I was using and have a more manageable set-up where most of the tv is visible (which is fine, since I'm usually staring at the stitching). I'm really happy with this purchase and love not dealing with the hoop marks or awkwardly folding and binder-clipping the fabric so I could stitch on it. I'm also excited to get back to work on Mario.
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Re: Check out my fancy new cross stitch frame!

Post by Batboard »

Nice! I have a problem of finding long enough scroll rods too. I've seen wooden dowls at the hardware stores and wonder if I could get some and saw down the middle and make my own.....hmmmm..... :confused:

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Re: Check out my fancy new cross stitch frame!

Post by LucyInTheSky »

Batboard wrote:Nice! I have a problem of finding long enough scroll rods too. I've seen wooden dowls at the hardware stores and wonder if I could get some and saw down the middle and make my own.....hmmmm..... :confused:
If they're the right size to fit in the side hole, I think you could. This reminds me of a quilting contraption that I had which was basically the same thing on a much larger scale. They sold the nice pretty rods and then you could build your own with PVC pipe. They weren't quite as nice, but still functional.
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Re: Check out my fancy new cross stitch frame!

Post by Firehawke »

It looks great! Happy stitching!
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