(Bummer about your streak though!)
I'm sorry that you're going through a tough time right now. I kind of get how you're feeling, I went through something that gave me a similar feeling, in my teenage years. There is another side to it, once you manage to push through and get there, and it's a lot more pleasant and comfortable. I hope you feel better soon.SunkistShiek wrote:I've needed to get something off my chest for a while and, although I should be sharing this with my friends and family on Facebook because it would pertain to them more, I'm not brave enough to do that....yet. However, I knew this would be a good place to share where I wouldn't be judged and gives me time to practice what I would say if I ever get the courage.
This year, for me, has been one of the roughest, toughest cowboys in the west. In comparison, the person I was last year to the one I am this year, is so completely different, it terrifies me and at some points makes me very sad. I'm not sure at what turn it happened, but it's like I hit the sturdiest, hardest brick wall and I shattered the person and their ideals/goals/ambitions/etc. that I was, was left with this new person, and didn't really take many of the old pieces with the new one. It was that fast, that shocking, and that scary. This new person isn't sure if it's a good or bad thing. I mean, I miss a lot of the other me, but know that I'm never going to get that one back, and I'm not sure if I'm ok with that yet. And if I'm not ok with that, then how can other people be ok with it? That's why I feel that I don't talk to a lot of the people that I should/used to (i.e. family/friends). I'm proud of what I've done, but not with what I'm doing currently and don't know how to get back to being proud of what I'm doing. However, at least I'm still going. And hopefully one day, I'll get out of this "funk" and be able to say, "yes, I've been through that but I'm happy of who I am now", but that day isn't today nor tomorrow. It is an unmarked day in the future and I hope that it gets here soon, because dealing with trying to be comfortable in this new person and trying to do damage control (to some extent) for what the other one did, is unbelievably difficult.
You need to do what is best for you, regardless of his feeling.SunkistShiek wrote: .....My boyfriend doesn't want me to go for it. He doesn't want us to be on different schedules, which I understand because we wouldn't see each other at all. Plus there's the fact we only have one vehicle and our shedules would overlap so someone would be panicking about trying to get there or come home.
I really want the experience because when we move in a couple years, I'll be able to get a similar job easier, but he brings up valid things and I don't like that I'd be purposely making him sad. I just don't know what to do, guys.
Surely by you going for this new job and earning a bit extra, you could then afford a second car so there would be no panic for the future.SunkistShiek wrote:.My boyfriend doesn't want me to go for it. He doesn't want us to be on different schedules, which I understand because we wouldn't see each other at all. Plus there's the fact we only have one vehicle and our shedules would overlap so someone would be panicking about trying to get there or come home.
I really want the experience because when we move in a couple years, I'll be able to get a similar job easier, but he brings up valid things and I don't like that I'd be purposely making him sad. I just don't know what to do, guys.