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Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

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Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by CitrusOda »

Hey guys, :wave:
The teen librarian in my town asked me if I could do a cross stitching lesson/activity for her teen group. She wants it to be all things nerdy. :sonic :1up :zelda I'm really excited to do it but I need some help.
The teen group meeting will be about 3hours long... so I will have plenty of time to teach them the basics and get them started on a little something.
OK, now here is where I need your help......
1. What tips would you give to someone who is just starting to cross stitch?
Also I can admit that I am not a part of every Fandom that exists,
2. So do you guys know of any small/easy patterns that I could print off and bring with me to the event? For example I know that Pokemon has those small sprites that are cute and easy to do. :pika
Thanks guys for your help any advice/tips/patterns will be more than greatly appreciated. :nod

(Btw I hope I put this in the right form if not just let me know and I can move it)
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Re: Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by discoqueen »

I'm not sure about any tips honestly xD

But what library event would be complete without a few bookmarks? xD
Okay, granted a minion isn't really 'nerdy', but considering how popular they are, they might be a hit.

And then random things I found online while looking for free nerdy patterns
https://craftycompanion.files.wordpress ... -angel.pdf

Hopefully something will work and get them interested.

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Re: Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by Eliste »

On the patterns- be careful about copyright. If its not one that is specifically stated as sharable, simply copying something you see and handing it out would be copyright infringement. This isn't usually an issue for personal use, but when you are handing things around, you need to be careful, particularly so that the library doesn't get in trouble.

On the fandom thing- I'd suggest actually picking 3 things that they can choose from. They feel like they have a choice, you're not stuck with the same thing, and nobody feels left out.

On teaching- I highly suggest planning how you're going to teach. It won't be feasible to go around to each one and show them how. Running through the basics can take hardly any time, and I'd plan on making it take very little time so the majority can be spent with them actually doing something. I'd also recommend having a "cheatsheet" for each of them with the basics on it so they can follow along themselves too.

The biggest tip I think to mention is keeping your stitching crossing the same direction. Its not something people immediately think about and it makes a huge difference in the output.

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Re: Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by RMDC »

Also consider talking about what to do when (not if) a knot happens.

Plan on a brief halftime break - if the library will allow snacks, maybe have a little something available for them with an emphasis on washing hands afterward.

How many will be there? Consider bringing a taser if you'll be outnumbered by more than 5:1.

Maybe have them work in groups so they can get help from each other as they go. (Eliste's cheat sheet suggestion is top drawer.) When people are working in small groups, the holes in the understanding and retention of one party are often overlapped by what other parties got out of instruction, and groups of three to five optimize communication within the group.
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Re: Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by mbiogirlumd »

Bring some of your favorite finished projects to share, both small (like magnets) and large (like a framed picture). When I first got into cross-stitch, nothing got me more excited than seeing things that I could possibly make if I learned how. Its still that way for me even now, and its been 20 years! I think having a little mini-gallery for them to browse before and after the lesson would be really interesting for teens. Libraries usually do a really good job of having tables, etc. for setting up displays.

Also bring a finished version of one of the items you are offering patterns to make. That will help them make connections between the fabric, the pattern, and how it looks in the end. As far as ideas go, if there's a Doctor Who pattern you can use, that's really popular with teens right now. Good luck! This is a great opportunity for both you and the kids! :D

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Re: Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by DevilAngelWolf27 »

RMDC wrote:Consider bringing a taser if you'll be outnumbered by more than 5:1.
That seriously just made my day :rotfl:

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Re: Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by Firehawke »

Since you don't know what fandom the kids are interested in, you might want to take a few different patterns, if possible. The Pokemon idea is great...maybe some Mario sprites would be good, too. I would let them know that no matter what there fandom is, there are patterns out there or friendly people who are willing/able to help with making patterns.

I would also make sure to tell them that's it's okay to make mistakes...the stitches can be undone, or if it's not noticeable and doesn't mess other things up, they can leave it. Worrying about making mistakes can be a huge stressor when you're starting a new craft and it helps to know that everyone makes "happy little accidents" (love Bob Ross!)...they make projects unique and/or gives you extra practice.

And it's important to take breaks, move around, and stretch as you are working.

Good luck...can't wait to hear how it goes!
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Re: Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by CitrusOda »

Thank guys for all your responses! :thumbsup:
discoqueen wrote:But what library event would be complete without a few bookmarks? xD
I really like the bookmark idea cause its something small that they could try and do in a short period of time.
Eliste wrote:On the patterns- be careful about copyright. If its not one that is specifically stated as sharable, simply copying something you see and handing it out would be copyright infringement. This isn't usually an issue for personal use, but when you are handing things around, you need to be careful, particularly so that the library doesn't get in trouble.
Thanks for the warning, since its not for profit(personal use) it should be fine(?) Il be sure to make sure that the patterns that I will use are stated as sharable.
Would anyone know if the bookmark pattern..."Save your progress? >Yes No" is sharable?
RMDC wrote: Consider bringing a taser if you'll be outnumbered by more than 5:1.
Hmmm, valid point. :grin:
But your right about how it is important to teach cross stitchers the importance of clean hands, no one want to ruin a project that they have been working hard on with Cheetos. :blush:
RMDC wrote: Bring some of your favorite finished projects to share, both small (like magnets) and large (like a framed picture). When I first got into cross-stitch, nothing got me more excited than seeing things that I could possibly make if I learned how. Its still that way for me even now, and its been 20 years! I think having a little mini-gallery for them to browse before and after the lesson would be really interesting for teens. Libraries usually do a really good job of having tables, etc. for setting up displays.
I understand what you mean, :nod I first became interested in cross stitching when my friend made me a Doduo button.
I will have to try and contact my friends to borrow them, I hardly ever keep anything that I make, I like making gifts.
Firehawke wrote:I would also make sure to tell them that's it's okay to make mistakes...the stitches can be undone, or if it's not noticeable and doesn't mess other things up, they can leave it. Worrying about making mistakes can be a huge stressor when you're starting a new craft and it helps to know that everyone makes "happy little accidents" (love Bob Ross!)...they make projects unique and/or gives you extra practice.
True, True :cool:

Once again thanks guys! You gave me a lots of things to think about.
It wont be until January but I will be sure to post pictures from the Teen meeting.
If anyone thinks of anything else that is important feel free to let me know. :link
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Re: Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by discoqueen »

The gamer one was in my mediafire account just in case my laptop decided to die on me so I didn't lose all these patterns I wanted to do.
The only place I found that had the pattern was a deviantart account here. They say in the comments that it's for anyone to use so you shouldn't have any problems.

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Re: Doing a Nerdy Cross Stitching Teen Program *Help*

Post by Eliste »

CitrusOda wrote:
Eliste wrote:On the patterns- be careful about copyright. If its not one that is specifically stated as sharable, simply copying something you see and handing it out would be copyright infringement. This isn't usually an issue for personal use, but when you are handing things around, you need to be careful, particularly so that the library doesn't get in trouble.
Thanks for the warning, since its not for profit(personal use) it should be fine(?) Il be sure to make sure that the patterns that I will use are stated as sharable.
Incorrect. Just because its personal use doesn't mean it isn't copyright infringement. If it was you, just for your use, then personal use might be ok. But this isn't you for personal use, its you copying for others to use. What you would be doing is, in fact, not just copyright infringement in copying the pattern, but then secondary liability by distributing the pattern to others to use. Secondary liability is just as bad, and, because you're doing this at the behest of the library, could mean that the library is ALSO liable for secondary infringement. Double whammy, which is why you have to be very careful like this.

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