Thank guys for all your responses!
discoqueen wrote:But what library event would be complete without a few bookmarks? xD
I really like the bookmark idea cause its something small that they could try and do in a short period of time.
Eliste wrote:On the patterns- be careful about copyright. If its not one that is specifically stated as sharable, simply copying something you see and handing it out would be copyright infringement. This isn't usually an issue for personal use, but when you are handing things around, you need to be careful, particularly so that the library doesn't get in trouble.
Thanks for the warning, since its not for profit(personal use) it should be fine(?) Il be sure to make sure that the patterns that I will use are stated as sharable.
Would anyone know if the bookmark pattern..."Save your progress? >Yes No" is sharable?
RMDC wrote: Consider bringing a taser if you'll be outnumbered by more than 5:1.
Hmmm, valid point.
But your right about how it is important to teach cross stitchers the importance of clean hands, no one want to ruin a project that they have been working hard on with Cheetos.
RMDC wrote: Bring some of your favorite finished projects to share, both small (like magnets) and large (like a framed picture). When I first got into cross-stitch, nothing got me more excited than seeing things that I could possibly make if I learned how. Its still that way for me even now, and its been 20 years! I think having a little mini-gallery for them to browse before and after the lesson would be really interesting for teens. Libraries usually do a really good job of having tables, etc. for setting up displays.
I understand what you mean,

I first became interested in cross stitching when my friend made me a Doduo button.
I will have to try and contact my friends to borrow them, I hardly ever keep anything that I make, I like making gifts.
Firehawke wrote:I would also make sure to tell them that's it's okay to make mistakes...the stitches can be undone, or if it's not noticeable and doesn't mess other things up, they can leave it. Worrying about making mistakes can be a huge stressor when you're starting a new craft and it helps to know that everyone makes "happy little accidents" (love Bob Ross!)...they make projects unique and/or gives you extra practice.
True, True
Once again thanks guys! You gave me a lots of things to think about.
It wont be until January but I will be sure to post pictures from the Teen meeting.
If anyone thinks of anything else that is important feel free to let me know.

"If we see the moon as they do, then why can we not see the Earth as they do? Hm..." ~ Meowth