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Pen Pals!

Post by starrley »

I've been kicking this idea around for a while, and I just want to get some opinions. Would anyone be interested in starting a Pen Pal project? We all love receiving things in the mail, and this would be something much simpler than a craft swap. We could actually just write to each other. Of course we can do this with PMs, but isn't there something magical about snail mail? And we could really get to know each other better. I would love to get your opinions, good and bad. Also, any ideas you want to kick in. :)

Deadline for sign-ups for the first round is this Saturday, October 12.
Then I will assign everyone their first pen pal by Monday. Please make sure that I have your address by Saturday too. I will put this icon :pac next to everyone whose address I have. (I will also be getting addresses from BMH.) For this first round, you are welcome to send a postcard or greeting card, unless you really want to send a letter. :) The main goal for this first round is to introduce yourself. Please try to take no more than a week or two to write and send your mail. Send me a PM once your mail is sent off.
Don't worry if you're not sure what to write about at first. Just introduce yourself, and remember, we all already have things in common! That's why we're on Sprite Stitch to begin with. :)
Here are a list of the people who have said, "Count me in." If you've changed your mind, let me know. Again, I'll update whose addresses that BMH has shortly:
1. starrley :pac
2. blackmageheart :pac
3. Firestarterr :pac
4. Ally :pac
5. katdun :pac
6. shanoa :pac
7. SheWhoRoars :pac
8. mushiva2000 :pac
9. QueenBex :pac
10. lightningbolt658 :pac
11. Remy :pac
12. acidMiasma :pac
13. no_need :pac
14. Asphodel
15. jadely :pac
16. Icockitt :pac
17. Ellentje :pac
18. smoni :pac
19. RMDC :pac
20. LinkIsMyHomeboy :pac
21. rockinwithrammstein :pac
22. kaelemerald :pac
23. Truut :pac
24. deborah :pac
25. berry999 :pac
26. loafoftoast :pac
27. Elle :pac
28. CraftySasha :pac
29. MeiTow :pac
30. funkymonkey :pac
31. Philpepe :pac

I'm not going to pair people up, so expect to receive something from someone other than the person you're writing to.
If you can't Pen Pal right now, but you want to, it's okay. We'll be doing a second round later. Feel free to respond to the person who wrote you as soon as you would like. We may modify things a little for the second round, depending on how things go.
Most importantly, don't stress, and let's have fun!!!!! :grin:

Everyone should have their Pen Pal now.
Please send me a PM if there are any problems. Also, please PM me once your letter or card is sent. Let's try to have them all sent off by October 26. Also, if anyone hasn't given me their real name, it may be a good idea to do so, to ensure that your letter reaches it's destination.
"I assure you, Commander, the cards are sufficiently randomized."

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Re: New Idea... What Do You Think?

Post by Kareesh »

I like the idea, though I'm not I would be able to participate. Sometimes it's hard enough for me to keep up with what I already have going on. :)
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Re: New Idea... What Do You Think?

Post by Firestarterr »

I would be up for something like that :D I have this calligraphy set that hasn't had much use and this would be a great reason to start using it

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Re: New Idea... What Do You Think?

Post by Ally »

I haven't had a pen pal in years! I'd love to do something like this, so count me in! Sounds like fun :)
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Re: New Idea... What Do You Think?

Post by katdun »

Could be fun! My grade school was going to have a pen pal group back in the day, but it kinda fizzled out before it started. Would we write to one person or several? I think it'd be cool to get/send postcards (or something showing where we're all from). :nod
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Re: New Idea... What Do You Think?

Post by deborah »

I write to people by mail. I have a few people not a whole lot I write to. I sometimes get a new person to write to. I mostly write to people in the United States. It is interesting to see what people are doing and get to know about people. I would be interesting to see how this works.

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Re: New Idea... What Do You Think?

Post by La Ptite Bete »

I'd love that... I used to have pen pals from many countries (Germany, Ireland, Japan...). My participation would depend on how often we are supposed to send snail mails... and how do you decide, who you'll write to ?
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Re: New Idea... What Do You Think?

Post by starrley »

There are many ways of going about this, that's why I wanted to open it up to everyone. We could have a totally random, pull-names-out-of-a-hat way of getting started, we could have a mini survey to see what preferences are (ex: Would you prefer to write to someone the same sex as you? In the same country or a different one? etc.), you could choose how many people you wanted to write to... there are a lot of things we can do. Bete, I'd say as far as how often would depend on when you got a letter (or postcard.) The whole point of this would be a relaxed, no pressure way to make new friends who already have the same interests as you. Just write back when you can and when you feel like it. :grin:
"I assure you, Commander, the cards are sufficiently randomized."

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Re: New Idea... What Do You Think?

Post by Eliste »

I think this is an AWESOME idea that I should NOT be involved with. I just know that like every other time I've had a pen pal it will be grand for like 3 months and then I'll just... Stop.

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Re: New Idea... What Do You Think?

Post by blackmageheart »

katdun wrote:I think it'd be cool to get/send postcards (or something showing where we're all from). :nod
I like this idea. It'd be easy to set up a thing so that every so often (like every month, or two) everyone gets cycled so that you end up with a collection of postcards from all around the world. And if you found someone you had a lot in common with, you could write letters to them at your own leisure. :)
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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