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PC Stitch 10

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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by kuja.girl »

natalielowen wrote:So it is only $20 to upgrade with that code?
Yes! As I said, they emailed me an advertisement with the code when they announced the update.
I haven't gotten a lot of time to play with the new program but so far the ability to have more than one window open at once is the best feature I've found. If they've really added that many alphabets (that don't suck lol) then that is also a great reason to upgrade.

I don't use KG only because the one time I tried I got really frustrated and then caved and bought PC Stitch 9, a program I knew how to use. Over all PC Stitch matches DMC colors fairly well. I've had patterns that mapped perfectly with no adjustment and others that were huge headaches to fix - it depends on the pallets. And yes, as BMH said PCS does support blending - I've never used it but it's there.
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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by kuja.girl »

update - Program was crashing every time I opened it so I had to uninstall it. The good news is that re-installing it seems to have solved the problem (for now).
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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by blackmageheart »

My PCStitch Pro 9 went freaking nuts and stopped working so I thought I'd bag 10 and I used this code - worked like a charm! Thanks so much kuja.girl!
Have to say that 10 does indeed have all the functionality of Pro 9, with a few new things as well. So, I'm a happy stitcher again, yay!
Will post back here if there's any interesting/good/bad things I find in the program :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by Servotron »

Decided to upgrade as well, thanks for the code!
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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by kuja.girl »

Glad it worked for others!
I've had 10 crash up on me twice but I only had to uninstall once. One update has been released so maybe that fixed it?
I like it better than 9 too.
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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by Yurtle »

The husband bought me the upgrade without me even having to mention it or ask! :) He even got the discount because he gets the emails from the company!! :)

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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by kuja.girl »

Yurtle wrote:The husband bought me the upgrade without me even having to mention it or ask! :) He even got the discount because he gets the emails from the company!! :)
double win!
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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by RMDC »

I know the thread is kinda old, but I finally got around to buying PC Stitch, and I wanted to a) thank kuja for providing the code, and b) confirm that the code still works... so if anyone's been sitting on the fence about whether to buy, you haven't missed out on the opportunity. :)
Mostly hibernating here. Find me on Twitter @rmdcade.

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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by kuja.girl »

I'm glad the code still works :D Enjoy!
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Re: PC Stitch 10

Post by Icelandic Hitman »

Thing that drives me nuts about this program is there is no Hand tool to move around with, or am I just missing it?
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