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Cross stitching in Japan ?

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Cross stitching in Japan ?

Post by CitrusOda »

Hey everyone,

I'm currently doing my last semester of University and I'm thinking of applying for the JET programme as an assistant teacher in Japan. But if I get the job I do have a concern... Does anyone know if it's possible to buy DMC floss and cross stitching supplies in Japan?

I currently live in Canada and in my town there is only one place to buy it(Micheal's) so I'm unsure how accessible it is to find in other places.

Thanks for your time, :hello:
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Re: Cross stitching in Japan ?

Post by blackmageheart »

As far as I know it is - cross stitching is quite popular over there (or so I hear, anyway.)
Just in case, it might be an idea to take a small stash with you. Best of luck with applying for JET! :)
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Cross stitching in Japan ?

Post by FluffyBunnySlippers »

Good luck with JET!

It has been a very long time, but I remember some missionaries to Japan that my church sponsored talking about having a class to teach cross stitching. I'm pretty sure it's still a thing to do over there. If all else fails, there's always Amazon and I'm sure a lot of us here would be happy to ship you things.
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Re: Cross stitching in Japan ?

Post by Moirae »

I'm not sure how big it is in Japan. I will say that, during my internet surfing/searching, I've stumbled on a ton of Russian/Slavic sites for cross stitch and a lot of French Blogs and Chinese sellers of supplies, but I don't remember coming upon any Japanese websites for cross stitch. I have seen sashiko, surface embroidery books and a couple Hardanger books in Japanese though. I don't know if DMC thread is regularly available, but embroidery floss shouldn't be too hard to find. I've even seen some at DAISO Japan stores in the states. I do know that the metallic DMC Diamant line is made in Japan also.

Perhaps you should look for Japanese blogs and websites for cross stitch. Maybe they'll tell you what brand is commonly used (anchor/dmc/madeira etc) and where they can be found. I think it's クロスステッチ for cross stitch and 刺しゅう for embroidery. My own Japanese is not good enough to try reading any webpages myself.

also this may be an old site but try checking DMC's Japanese site

If these aren't successful/helpful, I supposed there's always the alternative of kitting up a year or so worth of projects to bring over. Some skeins and fabric shouldn't take up that much space in your luggage.
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Re: Cross stitching in Japan ?

Post by BadgerSensei »

Cross stitching in Japan is super popular! I actually started learning how to cross stitch over there! I did the Jet programme and that was my favorite past time when I wasn't working or going on an adventure. As far as DMC, I personally didn't find any. But they do have their own stitching brands. They also have some pretty awesome patterns. The project I'm currently working on is actually one of the patterns I bought while over there. If you have any questions about my time in Japan, just drop me a PM! I would be happy to talk about my experience over there and my cross stitching experience there.
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Re: Cross stitching in Japan ?

Post by myabrown »

Craft hobbies are very popular here! You would definitely be able to continue cross stitching for sure, I also imagine relief printing is possible (haven't personally looked tho) as other print methods are famous here. I believe you can get cheap cross stitching supplies in 100yen stores like Daiso and Serio, and there are a tonne of fabric stores.

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