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FEB/MAR Challenge - 1" or 2" images

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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Re: FEB/MAR Challenge - 1

Post by SunkistShiek »

angelyques wrote:
SunkistShiek wrote:
angelyques wrote:Image

One more before the end of the day! Each eeveelution is under 1" tall. Made with woven seed beads. I just sent it off to a customer in New Zealand!
That's adorable!!! Do you use a something that holds the threads or is it all free handed? I used to weave with beads like that and had a metal stand that held onto the base strings so that you could weave the beads easier.
Thanks! It is all freehand. Sounds like what you did before was loom beading. :)
That's even more impressive, being freehand.

That sounds familiar, it could be that. I did it about 12-13 years ago and did EVERYTHING on it. I wonder if I could find one of those again and do something like this.
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Re: FEB/MAR Challenge - 1" or 2" images

Post by blackmageheart »

Last day for entries everyone! So if you have 'em, post 'em! :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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