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Hi There

Post by hadaad »

Hi. Short-time lurker, first-time poster here. I've been on-again, off-again with cross-stitch (mostly off, I'll admit) over the last twenty years.
My local big-box craft store stopped supplying cross-stitch kits, so I started creating my own patterns based on The Wheel of Time and other fantasy novels. It was actually my daughter who led me to this site. She wanted to make a terraria pattern for her brother as a Christmas gift. I made the pattern by hand, then searched for better resources, which led me here. I didn't find the sprite I was looking for, but she's happy with the pattern, and I found this place.

You guys are really inspiring! I see some of the bigger projects, like the Super Mario World maps and the Pokemon stuff, and it boggles my mind.

I'm also completely self-taught, so seeing some of the gridding strategies and things like parking are really helpful.

I'm pathetically slow when it comes to stitching, but I'm enthusiastic about it again, and some of the techniques I'm picking up can't help but make things go a little faster.

I'm looking forward to sharing my progress and seeing what you all are up to.

hadaad (a.k.a. Liam)

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Re: Hi There

Post by Firehawke »

Welcome to SpriteStitch, Liam!!! Hope you feel like sharing some of your work...we would love to see it!
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Re: Hi There

Post by hadaad »

Thanks! I plan on posting my progress. I really am super-slow, but maybe having a place to show my work will motivate me to get in gear.

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Re: Hi There

Post by Firehawke »

Yay...can't wait! I know that being able to post updates has helped me!
"May we maintain the courage to defy the consensus. May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong." - President Thomas S. Monson

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Re: Hi There

Post by blackmageheart »

Welcome, Liam. I hope you enjoy your time at Sprite Stitch. I'm one of the moderators, and I'm generally around every day so if you have any problems or anything, just drop me a PM!

Ps, can I ask where your username comes from?
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Hi There

Post by CitrusOda »

Welcome! I look forward to seeing your projects in the future :D
"If we see the moon as they do, then why can we not see the Earth as they do? Hm..." ~ Meowth

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