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Sprite Stitch Vault

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Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by blackmageheart »

My latest scheme! Let me tell you a bit about it before I start recruiting and all that!

OK so as many of you will know, sometimes in the swaps people miss out on items, for whatever reason. Normally I try to get people to make extra gifts for them but I think it's not necessarily the best way to do that. I was going to recruit people in advance for the next swap but then I got thinking (I know) - what if we had a supply of items already made? And of course that line of thinking lead to others and here we are now.

So what I'm proposing, basically, is what I'm calling the vault - a stash of items donated by kind and wonderful people like your good selves. Now, it could be anything, from badges to supplies. If you're making a set of items, why not make an extra one and donate it? Or if you have a piece languishing and you have no idea what to do with it, perhaps it could go to a new home. It's not mandatory that anyone donates something, but if you can and want to then please do!

Items will be shipped to myself or starrley depending on your location, hopefully that will save on shipping prices. For large items I'll try to help with costs/arrangements so drop me a PM.

The items donated to the vault would be used in swaps as make-up gifts, prizes or even as a present to cheer someone up! And since the mini swap is coming up, would anyone be able to donate a few items? :)

In return for helping, aside from warm fuzzies, there's not much I can offer at the minute. I will arrange for a special badge for those members who donate items. If there's something I can do in return, you only have to ask and if it's possible I'll do it!

Please, feel free to ask questions, I know how much you love asking me questions!

Send your items to:

Sherona Bauckham
22 The Crescent
Sherburn Village


China Darley
624 W. University Dr #245
TX 76201


Daniel Hotop
3 Wood Pl
Emu Plains
NSW 2750

EDIT: Confirmed, this is starrley's correct address. :)
EDIT: Updated for all the Australians! Please send your items to Icelandic Hitman! :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by jadely »

I'll go through my craft cabinets! I have a bunch of little projects I did for fun and other supplies that could be donated!
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Re: Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by Ally »

I made a couple of small Pokemon stitches for my brothers' birthday that only took me a few hours each, so I could probably bang together another couple as well as some amigurumi Mario mushrooms. There's no deadline or anything like that is there? Just send the stuff as we make it?
Lol projects? What are projects?

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Re: Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by arkani »

That's a great idea!
Most of the finished stuff i've got is a bit NSFW, but if you don't mind a few things being sent that are experiments (they'd look fine, just be the first time i'd try that thing) I'm all up for it. :D
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Re: Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by lcockitt »

Amazing idea, I love it! Silly question time - I have a couple of cross stitch kits that I probably won't ever get around to doing, but they aren't even remotely game related. Would that be useful, or would you prefer donations to be video game based?
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Re: Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by Lord Libidan »


What a cool name...

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Re: Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by blackmageheart »

jadely wrote:I have a bunch of little projects I did for fun and other supplies that could be donated!
That would be great, thanks!
Ally wrote:There's no deadline or anything like that is there? Just send the stuff as we make it?
Yeah any time you feel like it, really. There's always a use for items even when there's no swaps on. :)
arkani wrote:but if you don't mind a few things being sent that are experiments
Experiments are most welcome!
lcockitt wrote:I have a couple of cross stitch kits that I probably won't ever get around to doing, but they aren't even remotely game related. Would that be useful, or would you prefer donations to be video game based?
They'd be fine, anything craft related would be most helpful. :)
Lord Libidan wrote:THE VAULT!

What a cool name...
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by QueenBex »

Oh my glob!! You beautiful wonderful magical person!! This is a brilliant idea!!!

I always have lots of little things stashed away, in fact i'm just about to sort through my entire crafting horde before sorting it into my new crafty corner (only a couple of shelves away from being ready!!!) Send me a pm with details and i'll see if I can come up with a parcel...
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Re: Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by blackmageheart »

Have updated first post with addresses. Please send to whichever one is cheaper or easier for you! :)
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Sprite Stitch Vault

Post by icedragonj »

Is it possible to have an Austalian based vault as well? I know you don't really want one in every country, but both addresses are still pretty far away (and hence expensive) from here.
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