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How do you store your floss?

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How do you store your floss?

Post by redkait »

I'm getting back into cross stitching so my floss supply is steadily growing. How/where do you guys store all your floss? I know some people use bobbins and store them in boxes while others use the floss bows and store them in binders. Right now I'm just using a shoe box but that's driving my OCD side crazy! How do you guys do it?
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Re: How do you store your floss?

Post by blackmageheart »

Right now, I have three DMC boxes with 300+ bobbin'd threads, a mini filing cabinet with a truckload of loose skeins and a number of other assorted tubs and boxes :D
As well as the basket I have on my desk, which holds the ones I'm currently working with, lol :D
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Re: How do you store your floss?

Post by ristvak »

I'm a bobbin n box girl =) (I'm up to 4 boxes and might need a 5th soon *eek*) ... Keeper.jpg

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Re: How do you store your floss?

Post by amneufeld »

ristvak wrote:I'm a bobbin n box girl =) (I'm up to 4 boxes and might need a 5th soon *eek*) ... Keeper.jpg
I'm the same (I have four and will go up to 5 once the supplies I bought in the US arrive), but I put my bobbins sticker side up as opposed to floss side up.

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Re: How do you store your floss?

Post by blackmageheart »

amneufeld wrote:I put my bobbins sticker side up as opposed to floss side up.
I also put my bobbins sticker side up :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: How do you store your floss?

Post by carand88 »

i tried using bobbins in a binder, but i found that to be awfully inconvenient as the bobbins would keep falling out. i currently only have 1 box that's filled to the brim, but it's only a matter a time before i get a second one. still have a ton of bobbins in a binder.

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Re: How do you store your floss?

Post by blackberrybear »

I use stitchbow floss holders. There're a bit more money then bobbins but the floss dosen't kink up as bad and I can store them on my bookselfs in the binder inserts. I've got two 3 inch binders almost full and am contemplating a thrid.

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Re: How do you store your floss?

Post by blackmageheart »

blackberrybear wrote:I use stitchbow floss holders.
Ooh, forgot about those! I have a DMC travel bag with a built in binder that holds stitchbows (I forget how many, exactly). I have all my DMC Light/Jewel/Metal Effects and Variegated threads in there :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: How do you store your floss?

Post by deborah »

I have 5 plastic clear boxes that I have my thread in and they are on bobbins. Then I have a large blue container that has three mail shipping boxes with thread in them that are in small clear plastic square containers. I bought the ones in mail shipping boxes from a woman that was selling her thread because she had ms and couldn't cross stitch anymore.

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Re: How do you store your floss?

Post by Icelandic Hitman »

I have a bobbin box with leftovers from used skeins.
I have a box with unique skeins.
I have a bag with the dupes in it.
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