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Cross stitching gradients?

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Cross stitching gradients?

Post by neckties »


This is my first post, so I'm a bit new to this, but I'm having some trouble making a pattern and was hoping to get some advice. The character that I am cross stitching has a lot of gradients, and I don't know how to do this in pattern-making or actual stitching. If anyone could offer up some tips, that would be great!

Here is the picture for reference:
Cadance3.png (168.06 KiB) Viewed 5936 times
And here is the pattern (note I tried experimenting on a section of the tail):
(82.91 KiB) Downloaded 341 times
Oh and if anyone wants to use this pattern, you are certainly free to! Just don't use the colors in the pattern because they look much different in real life.
Last edited by neckties on Mon Dec 16, 2013 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Cross stitching gradients?

Post by Knittenkitten »

One way to blend tow different colors is to take 1 strand of each color and stitch with it for a section or area. So for the purple of the wings I would stitch the lighter shade first up to the point where the two shades start to blend together, then take a strand of the lighter and a strand of the darker purple and stitch the area where the two are blending and then stitch the darker purple for the rest of the wings. Hope that makes sense.
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Re: Cross stitching gradients?

Post by neckties »

That does make sense, thanks!

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Re: Cross stitching gradients?

Post by HornyPig »

actually thats pretty smart.. i might use it aswell lol

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Re: Cross stitching gradients?

Post by blackmageheart »

Also, remember that the more strands you use of a colour, the stronger that shade will be when stitched. :)
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Cross stitching gradients?

Post by Susing »

Sorry to hijack with my question but how do you do gradients if you're using a higher fabric count and can only use one strand?

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Re: Cross stitching gradients?

Post by Eliste »

Susing wrote:Sorry to hijack with my question but how do you do gradients if you're using a higher fabric count and can only use one strand?
I usually spend a row or two alternating the colours before moving fully into the second color. Its not the same effect, but it still makes it more diffuse than just changing straight from one to the next. Although, tbh, if you're using that high a count of fabric, people are unlikely to see the block changes unless it is a huge difference between the colours. When your stitches are that small things blend together easier anyway.

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