Ballad of the Wind Fish
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:20 am
"Ballad of the Wind Fish" from Link's Awakening! 
I've been working on this off and on for a couple months now, but the idea's been in my head ever since I got the bug to figure out the tune on dulcimer a while back. It took a long time to find a decent set of sheet music to copy, and along the way, I discovered the B-flat clarinet transposition for my wife.
WARNING: all the sprites were constructed by hand in KG Chart. The colors are selected from KG Chart's list. They bear absolutely no relation to your floss selection. PLEASE eyeball the colors for yourself. I wish I knew how to add comments in a KG Chart file so that I could include this dire warning within.
FUNKY STITCHES: There are a few french knots. There's a ton of backstitching. I had to use the petite stitch tool to fill in the quarter and eighth notes, because some of them cross the grid line. A note's head takes up one square. If it's between the lines - a high C, for example - it's a normal stitch. If it's on a line - high D - then the stitch is vertically offset by half a square. It will make for some fun times, I'm sure. I don't know of a simple way to fix the situation. Sorry.
My guide for making the notes was a Dimensions piece we had lying around; it had no EGBDF notes on the staff, naturally. I suggest backstitching around the quarter and eighth note heads in order to keep them in line with the half notes.
If you have improvements or suggestions, please drop them here! This is my next big stitching project, but as of this moment, it's untested.

I've been working on this off and on for a couple months now, but the idea's been in my head ever since I got the bug to figure out the tune on dulcimer a while back. It took a long time to find a decent set of sheet music to copy, and along the way, I discovered the B-flat clarinet transposition for my wife.
WARNING: all the sprites were constructed by hand in KG Chart. The colors are selected from KG Chart's list. They bear absolutely no relation to your floss selection. PLEASE eyeball the colors for yourself. I wish I knew how to add comments in a KG Chart file so that I could include this dire warning within.
FUNKY STITCHES: There are a few french knots. There's a ton of backstitching. I had to use the petite stitch tool to fill in the quarter and eighth notes, because some of them cross the grid line. A note's head takes up one square. If it's between the lines - a high C, for example - it's a normal stitch. If it's on a line - high D - then the stitch is vertically offset by half a square. It will make for some fun times, I'm sure. I don't know of a simple way to fix the situation. Sorry.

If you have improvements or suggestions, please drop them here! This is my next big stitching project, but as of this moment, it's untested.