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Has this happened to you?

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Has this happened to you?

Post by lucien »

Oh golly, I have 5 more pages of Pokeman pattern and just realized I am not going to have enough room...

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Re: Has this happened to you?

Post by blackmageheart »

Yes, a few times! Maybe not on that scale, though!

Things I've done when I've encountered a lack of space:
1. If it was small enough, I just started over. Obviously that won't work for you here!
2. It is possible to add an extra bit of aida and continue stitching, done that before. Only downside is that it can look a bit obvious on some things.
3. Broken patterns down into motifs or sections and stitched them on other pieces of aida, then either join them together later or finish them separately.

I think maybe the best thing for you would be to break the pattern into two or more sections and continue it on a separate piece of aida. Good luck :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Has this happened to you?

Post by Firehawke »

That's always frustrating! I've ended up starting projects over...but never had that much done before...good luck!
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Re: Has this happened to you?

Post by Sheepish »

Once, on a really short but very LONG project. I made a mistake calculating how long it would be (because I didn't account for a last minute change in fabric thread ct) and got about 80% done and realized I'd run out of room. I want to start over and actually complete that project someday, just haven't gotten around to it.

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Re: Has this happened to you?

Post by Moirae »

My first huge project I accidentally started stitching with the cloth in portrait orientation instead of landscape. It was the first project I had stitch that was wider than it was long. oops. I got about 2,500 stitches through before I realized it and wound up starting over. If i had finished as much as you have, I know I wouldn't have the heart to start over or toss the first piece. I haven't had to join any fabric yet, but I did look it up previously and this was the most helpful post I found:

Hopefully this can help you a little. There's both instructions and small samples/tests there.
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Re: Has this happened to you?

Post by CitrusOda »

AH! I'm so sorry to hear that had happened to you. I hope the rest of your project goes smoothly.
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