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Frank Frazetta Patterns - NSFW

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:22 pm
by sm531_2003
My boyfriend's favorite artist is Frank Frazetta, so I want to try and stitch a few pieces of his art for my bf to put up in his office at home. After not being able to find patterns online, I decided to make some myself...

I'm not sure if anyone else would even be interested, but I used pic2pat to chart out 3 of Frazetta's pieces, with an exception; I used Paint (I know, SO high-tech...) to white-out the backgrounds of them before charting so that they are a bit simpler to stitch, and I can just dye the fabric to abouts the original background colors so I can focus on the ladies. Below are the original images and attached are the patterns I came up with, approximate sizes in inches in the titles, and charted to be on 18ct Aida.

Aros - Image
Aros 19x20.pdf
(4.25 MiB) Downloaded 348 times
Moon's Rapture - Image
Moons Rapture 19x24.pdf
(5.69 MiB) Downloaded 356 times
Sun Goddess - Image
Sun Goddess 19x20.pdf
(5.73 MiB) Downloaded 353 times
I know they're not perfect, and I can somewhat figure out as I'm stitching if I need to add a stitch here and there to account for my low-tech unsavyness, but....thoughts?

Re: Frank Frazetta Patterns - NSFW

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:33 pm
by blackmageheart
I'm a Vallejo fan myself but always been partial to a bit of Frazetta. I like the patterns - they're small enough to stitch without losing crazy amounts of detail. I'm sure they'll look nice on dyed fabric!

Re: Frank Frazetta Patterns - NSFW

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2016 1:59 pm
by sm531_2003
Thanks BMH! I'm just nervous about messing up the dye jobs, and/or that they won't look quite right once they're done....

The only way I'll get any work done on them without him seeing though, at least for the immediate future, will be working during the day while he's at work since I'm currently looking for a job! hahaha...not sure what I'll do once I get a job and would have to hide the stitching from him....

I'll try to post pics once I start working on them! :)