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Captain America: The Winter Soldier Poster

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:40 am
by SuperKJ
Hi, everyone, I thought I would share a pattern I had made, with you all. It's a movie poster for Captain America: The Winter Soldier

A while ago I requested a CA pattern, but I decided to look online and see how I could get it made seeing as I lack not only the software, but the skills! :D

I haven't actually gotten around to making this yet, because I've been so busy starting other projects, so I wanted to share it with you guys. I'm sure there are other Cap fans among us.

Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier Poster

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:15 pm
by deborah
what aida count is the pattern?

Re: Captain America: The Winter Soldier Poster

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:54 am
by SuperKJ
Sorry, I can be such a noob. It was months ago I had the pattern made so I didn't even think about any of that! :blush:

It's 292w x 418h, so according to Yarntree:

On 16ct Aida, it will be 18 1/4 inches wide by 26 1/8 inches high.
18ct Aida will make it 16 1/4 inches wide by 23 1/4 inches high.

The threads on the pattern are DMC, too.