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Undertale patterns

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Undertale patterns

Post by arkani »

So i've started playing Undertale, and I wanted to make some patterns, so I figured why not share em :)
I haven't tested the colours, though, as a word of warning.

(23.22 KiB) Downloaded 617 times
Sans - Undertale.sth
(2.79 KiB) Downloaded 395 times
(49.86 KiB) Downloaded 495 times
Sans - Undertale2.sth
(3.7 KiB) Downloaded 360 times
Working on:
Retro X & Y! - lost the pattern and fabric, but it's resurfaced :D ...and i've lost it again lol
Attempting Diamond Painting
Making like three crochet blankets at once #nolife
slowly amassing floss for the old-style Epic Pokemon

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Re: Undertale patterns

Post by arkani »

moar patterns!

Papyrus: - the pattern is using ecru so it shows up better on the page - use white instead.. he's a skeleton after all :D
(52.42 KiB) Downloaded 494 times
Papyrus - use b5200.sth
(6.29 KiB) Downloaded 327 times
(25.73 KiB) Downloaded 443 times
(2.92 KiB) Downloaded 328 times
Working on:
Retro X & Y! - lost the pattern and fabric, but it's resurfaced :D ...and i've lost it again lol
Attempting Diamond Painting
Making like three crochet blankets at once #nolife
slowly amassing floss for the old-style Epic Pokemon

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Re: Undertale patterns

Post by arkani »

And the last pattern I have for the moment :)

Toriel and "Chara"
Toriel and Chara.pdf
(35.96 KiB) Downloaded 475 times
Toriel and Chara.sth
(2.97 KiB) Downloaded 340 times
I need to sort through my screenies and get some more pics cleaned up, like Flowey...but not Jerry.
Working on:
Retro X & Y! - lost the pattern and fabric, but it's resurfaced :D ...and i've lost it again lol
Attempting Diamond Painting
Making like three crochet blankets at once #nolife
slowly amassing floss for the old-style Epic Pokemon

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Re: Undertale patterns

Post by bulbasaur »

I haven't played this yet, but I've heard great things about it! Thanks for the patterns. I have some friends who would love them as gifts.

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Re: Undertale patterns

Post by CitrusOda »

Thanks for sharing these patterns they look great!
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