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Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:52 pm
by RPGDominion
I've used the search function, but I couldn't find an answer to this problem, and I didn't know which forum to post it in. But, here goes! Basically, I just got PC Stitch and I tried to import in an image of a cutscene from one of my favorite retro games, Phantasy Star IV, but it threw the colors out of whack. Notably, it turned all the purples into blues. Is there a way to get the program to give me accurate DMC numbers without changing the colors of the image?


Re: Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:54 pm
by blackmageheart
The simple answer is no! Because the DMC colours are specific, the program will try and find the nearest DMC match to the colour in the image. And when it comes to purples, DMC is notoriously bad! What we tend to do is "eyeball" the threads and the image colours and look for the best match in real life - I'm something of an expert in that now because I've done it for so long!
You can try to adjust your image in an editing program like Photoshop first, but with something like PSIV, it won't really help. And speaking of that, it's one of my favourite games, too! Can I help you with the pattern?

Re: Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 3:49 pm
by RPGDominion
Ah, BMH. Long time, no talk! No, I was hoping to make my own patterns so I could get back into stitching and I've already done all the ones from the Sprite Stitch wiki that I'm interested in. I've got a lot of patterns I wanted to try! Unfortunately, I don't know DMC well enough to eyeball the colors.

Re: Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 12:19 pm
by blackmageheart
Knowing DMC comes with practice, but really just looking at the threads you have and comparing them to the image is good enough. There are also shade cards available which can also be useful. I would be happy to help with patterns even if it's just to get you started off!
RPGDominion wrote:Ah, BMH. Long time, no talk!
I feel like I know you well, but not this user name... Argh! Wait...are you Jack Lias??? :O

Re: Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:13 pm
by RPGDominion
That was a very good guess. Yes, I am. I tried to log in with my account, but couldn't. Tried to reset my password, but my username/e-mail address aren't in the system. I'm guessing I got purged for some reason?

Re: Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:14 pm
by Jack Lias
Nevermind, I'm an idiot. There was a space in my username. I'm so embarrassed.

Re: Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:53 pm
by blackmageheart
Meh, we all do it. I forgot my own name once, briefly :D

Re: Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 7:55 am
by mbiogirlumd
Does having the DMC color card help with this "eyeballing" skill? I'm thinking about investing in one if I decide to get serious about learning to make patterns...

Re: Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2018 2:35 pm
by Pyper
I could see it being very useful if you order thread online, or want to make patterns to sell without stitching it or at least aquiring the thread first. Do they come as wrapped short thread or just printed? Can you try different colours next to each other?

I don't have colour cards so I tend to just take the pattern down to Lincraft/spotlight/etc and pick whatever colours they have (that I don't already) that look good together. Upside is I pick across brands (Sullivans and DMC combined start to have an OK range of dark greys and brown/oranges) and don't have to wait on thread to get started, downside is I only see what they have in stock, and I would need to have all the thread and preferably stitch some of a pattern before I would sell it with colours specified, just to check.

Re: Question about PC Stitch!

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 12:37 pm
by blackmageheart
mbiogirlumd wrote:Does having the DMC color card help with this "eyeballing" skill? I'm thinking about investing in one if I decide to get serious about learning to make patterns...
It can! I learned without one, but I think it takes longer to do it that way. Also it helped me to have a full set of DMC threads, and a shade card is easier than getting all the skeins out!
A reminder that there are two types of shade cards: a printed card and a card with sample threads. Obviously the sample one will set you back more, but is also better.

Anyway, the RGB values a computer relies on aren't always suitable so eyeballing is definitely something that can improve your finished pieces :)