Twitch.TV Streaming CrossStitch
Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 1:03 pm
Hi. I haven't posted here in a while, but I wanted to find out if anyone else watches Twitch.TV ; it's known for it's gaming streams, but for the last year or so they've been ramping up their 'Creative' category. Mostly so far it's been a lot of drawing and perler beads, but over a year ago I started CrossStitching on Twitch and I love it.
Since then, I've seen a number of CrossStitch streamers start popping up here and there.
I'll list the ones I know of so you can check it out. If you're interested in starting, let me know and I'll do what I can to help you get set up! :3
Basically, you can watch people play games/crossstitch/knit/etc LIVE. And chat with them! It's a lot of fun. And is basically a virtual stitch n' bitch.
I'd love to see some of you on there, especially some of my long time favorites like blackmageheart :3
I mainly stitch on stream Sunday nights at 10pm MST. I do mostly twitch emotes on plastic canvas, but when I'm not full up on commissions, I do some larger projects as well.
Closer to conventions like PAX I end up stitching all week trying to keep up on commissions! D:
Tashnarr does a lot of smaller gaming-related projects. She streams mid afternoon for the US, but is located in the UK She also plays games on stream.
Frondescence stitches earlier in the mornings usually, and is working on the large pokemon stitch that you see a lot on spritestitch.
MotoRuxin also does a lot of gaming-related stitches on stream, and holds giveaways for them.
TwoCats is working on a large stitch of the Disney castle:
EmzOLV has been working on the opening scene of Yoshi's Island, and is also based out of the UK. She streams in the evenings on tues/thur and Friday mornings.
I've seen a few others, but can't think of them off the top of my head
I'd love to see more! Let me know if you know of any/have started streaming!
Those are just the CrossStitchers though, you'll find all sorts of crafts and creative things live here:
Knitting, sewing, sculpting, drawing, etc.
Since then, I've seen a number of CrossStitch streamers start popping up here and there.
I'll list the ones I know of so you can check it out. If you're interested in starting, let me know and I'll do what I can to help you get set up! :3
Basically, you can watch people play games/crossstitch/knit/etc LIVE. And chat with them! It's a lot of fun. And is basically a virtual stitch n' bitch.
I'd love to see some of you on there, especially some of my long time favorites like blackmageheart :3
I mainly stitch on stream Sunday nights at 10pm MST. I do mostly twitch emotes on plastic canvas, but when I'm not full up on commissions, I do some larger projects as well.
Closer to conventions like PAX I end up stitching all week trying to keep up on commissions! D:
Tashnarr does a lot of smaller gaming-related projects. She streams mid afternoon for the US, but is located in the UK She also plays games on stream.
Frondescence stitches earlier in the mornings usually, and is working on the large pokemon stitch that you see a lot on spritestitch.
MotoRuxin also does a lot of gaming-related stitches on stream, and holds giveaways for them.
TwoCats is working on a large stitch of the Disney castle:
EmzOLV has been working on the opening scene of Yoshi's Island, and is also based out of the UK. She streams in the evenings on tues/thur and Friday mornings.
I've seen a few others, but can't think of them off the top of my head
I'd love to see more! Let me know if you know of any/have started streaming!

Those are just the CrossStitchers though, you'll find all sorts of crafts and creative things live here:
Knitting, sewing, sculpting, drawing, etc.