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Selling Stitch Patterns and copyright?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:37 pm
by Paige712
Hi guys I have been having fun designing various patterns using various sprite art and was thinking of selling my own custom patterns online but because some of them uses sprites would I have to get permission from the companies who made the sprites to sell using a certain sprite even though the overall pattern is my original design?

I.e I made a pokemon gen 1 and 2 pattern using the Blk/w sprites and need to know is this pattern is copyright marked due to using the sprites.

Thanks guys.

Re: Selling Stitch Patterns and copyright?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:47 am
by blackmageheart
Yes, you would have to obtain permission, good luck with that as most if not all companies will not give permission for their sprites/art to be used. You can go ahead and try selling but be prepared to have your listings removed and/or account(s) suspended. For the most part, Pokemon items don't seem to be deactivated all that often, but it is still possible. It's up to you if you want to risk it or not!