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JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by blackmageheart »

After my "holiday", I'm back at the challenges and this time it's the colouring book! Very simple idea - you take one of the provided images and colour it in, but using an art or craft!

Now, what I have done is made a set of images, ranging in size, shape and theme. I hope there is something for everyone - you wouldn't believe how tough it was to choose symbols and logos! Choose one or more and have fun with it! I've got here a bunch of really basic patterns, the pages of the book if you will. You are of course welcome to make your own patterns as well but please only use the provided images for them! You can of course reference other images when it comes to the colouring part. I will give extra help with patterns if anyone needs it, just drop me a PM and let me know what you need.

All arts and crafts are welcome, but they must be physical - sorry pixel art-ers! This means just about any medium you can get your hands on. If you're not sure about what to use, please ask and I'll try to advise!

A few rules:


- use only the images provided
- use any art or craft you like
- do as many as you wish
- post WIPs
- search the web for images to reference (for colours and things)
- share your patterns and ideas
- put pics in spoiler tags


- use any image not given here
- submit unfinished pieces
- tease the octopus

I hope that's clear enough, but if not, you all know where I am!

Here are KGChart patterns and PDFs (will make PATs if anyone needs them):
(109.03 KiB) Downloaded 677 times
(869.71 KiB) Downloaded 700 times
And here are some images, large and small (can be printed out and coloured or used to make templates etc):
CB Other (2).zip
(190.41 KiB) Downloaded 565 times


In order to make this more challenging and game-like, there will be CHALLENGE ACHIEVEMENTS for you to unlock. If you can work as a group and unlock all of them...something special might happen ;)
MT3.png (344.16 KiB) Viewed 10443 times
Challenge ends on July 31st. Best of luck to everybody! BEGIN :D
Last edited by blackmageheart on Mon Jun 10, 2013 12:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: Updated medal table :)
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by RMDC »


This is gonna be fun. :yahoo:
Mostly hibernating here. Find me on Twitter @rmdcade.

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Re: JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by samarin »


This is gonna be fun. :yahoo:
but they are all secret :S - is there a place i can look them up? XD
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Re: JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by blackmageheart »

samarin wrote:is there a place i can look them up? XD
Yes, if you have access to one of my computers. Which is practically impossible :P
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by QueenBex »

How long before PDF's are available for all of the patterns?

I take it any stitch can be used as well as any craft eg. cross stitch, satin stitching, backstitching etc.?

Achievements eh? Very Interesting, any clues? are they number based? Craft based?
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Re: JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by MeiTow »

Are we allowed to change the dimensions on the pictures to suit our needs?

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Re: JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by blackmageheart »

QueenBex wrote:How long before PDF's are available for all of the patterns?
I will endeavour to have them posted tonight, but if not then will tomorrow be ok? I'm sorry they weren't available before.
QueenBex wrote:I take it any stitch can be used as well as any craft eg. cross stitch, satin stitching, backstitching etc.?
Certainly! Literally ANYTHING you can think of!
QueenBex wrote:Achievements eh? Very Interesting, any clues? are they number based? Craft based?
Well, some are craft based, some are sort of number based. It'll be more obvious once the first ones appear!
MeiTow wrote:Are we allowed to change the dimensions on the pictures to suit our needs?
Yes, as long as it's recognisable as those images. Should have said that in the first post!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by monkeypeaches »

Thank you so much for these wonderful patterns, BMH! I'm sure it took a lot of time to put all these together, so I know we all appreciate your dedication :D
My blog is a mishmash of my crafty/nerdy lollygagging

Anime I'm stitching along to: Sailor Moon R or Bleach

Image Image Image

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Re: JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by blackmageheart »

You're welcome, of course. Now get to work! :D

Oh and I've updated the first post with PDFs for those who want them, apparently I had more time than I thought! If anyone needs PAT files let me know and I'll do some :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: JUNE/JULY Event - Colouring Book (Symbols & Logos)

Post by MeiTow »

Well, it took some work but I got a pattern outline made.
Games Galore.png
Games Galore.png (8.61 KiB) Viewed 10856 times
Not sure yet if I want to wing the colors as I go or do them up in KG Chart beforehand. LOL!

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