blackmageheart is going on a challenge vacation, and so I will be running the challenge this month! *mua ha ha ha!* We are going to take the month of May to honour not only one of the most iconic images in classic gaming, but also our own favourite lady, the Black Mage! This is going to be a really fun challenge, and maybe just a little bit silly too. Where would Black Mage go on vacation? Let's take the Mage sprite, and put it in any conceivable scenario. It can be in a video game, or in real life. Here are a few ideas that I came up with: Black Mage by the ocean, in the Pacman screen, riding a Kart in Mario Kart, in a hammock, in the sand level of Mario 2, riding on a Lapras, hang-gliding, with Ecco the Dolphin, riding a double-decker bus, riding Yoshi, seeing the Eiffel Tower, playing DDR... the possibilities are endless. (And feel free to use one of my ideas if you really like it.) Let's make them look like "vacation snaps" like the photos Black Mage came home with at the end of the trip. Let's have a lot of fun, and while we're at it, show how much we appreciate all the work that blackmageheart does around here! At the end of the month, we'll have our very own photo album of

's vacation!
Here are the simple rules:
Use the traditional Black Mage sprite, and then place it in any background that you wish. The background can be simple, just try to make it like a photograph. Again, you are welcome to stitch

any place!
As usual all crafts are welcome, and multiple entries welcome too. It would be fun to do an amigurumi Mage, or a perler Mage, and then pose it for actual photos. It's up to you. The challenge ends on May 31st.
Since blackmageheart is on holiday, if you have any questions or need any help, contact me.
Here is the pattern for Black Mage, from the front and from the back:
Here are more sprites, as requested by m4pl3g1rl:
Here is an amigurumi pattern I found: ... ack-mage-2
If anyone has any more Black Mage patterns, in any craft, feel free to post them and I'll add them to this first post.
Have fun!!!