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APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by blackmageheart »

It's finally April and we can begin!

First, let me attempt to explain how this is going to work. Every week for three weeks I will post the pattern everyone needs. These patterns will be selected randomly from the top 8 as voted for by all of you. Week 4 will be a band of your choice from all the submitted designs, as well as adding your name and the year.
I'll be making all patterns available in the last week as a collection, as well as some alphabets and other things. I've tried to make sure everyone can access the patterns, but let me know if you need it in another format!

So, where's the alonging part? We'll all be doing the same basic patterns for three weeks, but feel free to add your own special touches, use different materials and colours, whatever you want to do to personalise your sampler.

Don't worry if you don't finish a band in a week, or if you don't finish the sampler in the month. It's not a race, just group participation! Finish when you can, but don't forget to show us!

Feel free to post WIP pictures and questions for the other members, ask for advice or just general tomfoolery. I always approve of tomfoolery. And I hope to be able to post some interesting things about samplers during the event. :)

As always, please ask if there's something you want to know or don't understand.

So...let's get started!

WEEK 1 - Super Mario Kart
Super Mario Kart.sth
(6.7 KiB) Downloaded 572 times
Super Mario Kart (BW).pdf
(52.14 KiB) Downloaded 594 times
Super Mario Kart (C).pdf
(66.5 KiB) Downloaded 720 times
Super Mario Kart.PAT
(34.81 KiB) Downloaded 453 times
(21.68 KiB) Downloaded 485 times
(4.41 KiB) Downloaded 475 times
DDR (BW).pdf
(40.26 KiB) Downloaded 485 times
DDR (C).pdf
(45.96 KiB) Downloaded 581 times
WEEK 3 - Journey
(27.32 KiB) Downloaded 457 times
Journey (BW).pdf
(51.41 KiB) Downloaded 462 times
Journey (C).pdf
(61.27 KiB) Downloaded 564 times
(15.68 KiB) Downloaded 453 times
WEEK 4 - Players' Choice
See this post for complete set of patterns plus fonts and extras!

OK, I think that covers everything for now. You may begin! :wiz

UPDATE 08/04/13 - Updated post with DDR patterns, so they are easy to find!
UPDATE 15/04/13 - Updated post with Journey patterns!
UPDATE 17/04/13 - Updated post with a link to my post with all patterns in!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by QueenBex »

would you put your name etc at the bottom of the piece or the top? or even in the middle? Or can we decide that ourselves?

Also are all the bands the same size?

And didn't we discuss the possibility of adding the spritestitch logo to it? is there a pattern available for that?
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by kuja.girl »

QueenBex wrote:would you put your name etc at the bottom of the piece or the top? or even in the middle? Or can we decide that ourselves?
BMH said "feel free to add your own special touches, use different materials and colours, whatever you want to do to personalise your sampler" and I think adding your name (anywhere you want) fits this perfectly.
QueenBex wrote:Also are all the bands the same size?

The bands that were entered we all 25x90 stitches. I think there was one band that someone mentioned was one pixel larger - I don't think it made the top 8 so all of them should be the same size.
As for the logo - it's much to large to stitch 1:1. Someone would have to take the time to shrink it...
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by RMDC »

I think BMH has planned to do some more stichable SS logo options for us - at least it was discussed earlier - but I imagine she hasn't had time to completely assemble them yet, or she's otherwise planning to release them at the same time as the alphabets and such.

BMH, if you're harried, you know you can delegate to us willing folks, right? :nod
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by samarin »

Hey All! Love the first band...must stitch it now. Just curious, are they supposed to be in any specific order? Unlike most people i've seen on here i start from the middle or bottom (as opposed to the top), which position should it be in, or does it matter?
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by WeeRamekin »

I'm so excited for this - it will be my first sampler - can we add a border under each weeks design?
WIP: Mario Through the Ages; Stitch-a-long Sampler; Portal Gift for BF; Learning to work with plastic canvas

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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by blackmageheart »

RMDC wrote:I think BMH has planned to do some more stichable SS logo options for us - at least it was discussed earlier - but I imagine she hasn't had time to completely assemble them yet, or she's otherwise planning to release them at the same time as the alphabets and such.

BMH, if you're harried, you know you can delegate to us willing folks, right? :nod
I know!
I've got some alphabets done and more to do, but I will be doing some SS stuff for those people that want it. If anyone wants to have a go at some mini-logos or little custom designs then please do!

For the people curious about the placement order, I understand everyone has their own methods and stuff but this time I would appreciate if everyone could start at the top and work down from there! Name etc at the bottom. Thanks!

Feel free to add borders and extra stitches in between bands, like I said, whatever you want to do to personalise it!

Lastly, sorry I haven't been able to answer your questions until now, my living room was in dire need of a spring clean! :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by samarin »

Thank you for the quick response! Just wanted to be sure of which "slot" the first one went it!
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by LinkIsMyHomeboy »

kuja.girl wrote:As for the logo - it's much to large to stitch 1:1. Someone would have to take the time to shrink it...
If you do a 1:1 ratio, it's only 5 pixels too high...will that really throw the look off too much?

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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by QueenBex »

message recieved and understood! :toad
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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