First, let me attempt to explain how this is going to work. Every week for three weeks I will post the pattern everyone needs. These patterns will be selected randomly from the top 8 as voted for by all of you. Week 4 will be a band of your choice from all the submitted designs, as well as adding your name and the year.
I'll be making all patterns available in the last week as a collection, as well as some alphabets and other things. I've tried to make sure everyone can access the patterns, but let me know if you need it in another format!
So, where's the alonging part? We'll all be doing the same basic patterns for three weeks, but feel free to add your own special touches, use different materials and colours, whatever you want to do to personalise your sampler.
Don't worry if you don't finish a band in a week, or if you don't finish the sampler in the month. It's not a race, just group participation! Finish when you can, but don't forget to show us!
Feel free to post WIP pictures and questions for the other members, ask for advice or just general tomfoolery. I always approve of tomfoolery. And I hope to be able to post some interesting things about samplers during the event.

As always, please ask if there's something you want to know or don't understand.
So...let's get started!
WEEK 1 - Super Mario Kart WEEK 2 - DDR WEEK 3 - Journey WEEK 4 - Players' Choice
See this post for complete set of patterns plus fonts and extras!
OK, I think that covers everything for now. You may begin!

UPDATE 08/04/13 - Updated post with DDR patterns, so they are easy to find!
UPDATE 15/04/13 - Updated post with Journey patterns!
UPDATE 17/04/13 - Updated post with a link to my post with all patterns in!