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Stitch-a-long theme?

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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Please choose your three preferred ideas for a Stitch-A-Long!

Poll ended at Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:05 am

Legend of Zelda series
Original 150 Pokemon
Indie Games
System specific
Girl Power
Yoshi eggs
Pokemon eggs
Mario mushrooms
Geeky / sci-fi
Symbols / Logos
No votes
Tomb Raider / Lara Croft
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Pokemon (any gen)
Resident Evil
Valkyrie Profile
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Co-op games
Total votes: 120

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Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by blackmageheart »

Re-posting this in a new thread (mostly so I can keep better track of it!)

It's time to gather everyone's ideas for the stitchalong theme! So, over the next few days, I'd like you all to post them here. If you have more than one, feel free to put them all. If there's a general consensus around one theme we'll go with that, if not I'll put all the ideas to a vote. :cool:

Ideas suggested

Yoshi eggs
Pokemon eggs
Mario mushrooms
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by MeiTow »

How about a "game series through the ages" type thing? Maybe set it up like the charity quilt with a specific size square and people can pick a scene from the game of the month to stitch. For example, the Final Fantasy first month would be final fantasy 1, second month final fantasy 2, etc. You could pick a scene snippet like the quilt pieces or do what I'd probably do and pick one aspect of the game (like main character, item, enemies, etc.) and each month the next piece could be done next to the last piece sampler style. This way everyone is doing the same thing but different (I know some had issues with us all doing the same thing) and them picking out their own scenes would give variety and maybe make things easier on you BMH since you won't have to be coming up with patterns on your own.

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Re: Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by Knittenkitten »

I like that idea MeiTow. Not sure if I would actually be able to participate as I'm pretty busy with school, helping grandparents out, the charity squares plus the Big Buck project that I'm hoping to have done before Christmas this year. But I would love do to something like this!
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Re: Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by Pyper »

Game through the ages sounds cool. I also like the idea of picking a pattern of a scene or character, giving out the chart with no colours and letting everyone pick their own colours for it.
WIPS: Dwarf Fortress blanket, sailing ship stitch, shiny pokemon, moth bags

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Re: Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by Shazbang »

I've never done a stitch a long so silly as this might sound, can you please explain it to me?

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Re: Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by blackmageheart »

Pyper wrote:I also like the idea of picking a pattern of a scene or character, giving out the chart with no colours and letting everyone pick their own colours for it.
This was suggested in the other thread - I think it's an excellent idea. It wouldn't be difficult to make the patterns and there'd be varying sizes to pick from. That way there's something for everyone! I was actually thinking of doing this for the stitch-a-long, and had even gone as far as thinking about the types of patterns to have available - samplers, blackwork, sprites and scenes were all things I was toying with. All that is required is a theme. I'd say the theme should be a game or game series. (I know there's quite a few of you who'd like it to be Zelda-themed :P)
MeiTow wrote:How about a "game series through the ages" type thing?
I like that idea very much, especially the sampler-style idea. I think I'd actually like to see that as a separate challenge though, because I think a wide range of games for those samplers would be very interesting indeed!
Shazbang wrote:I've never done a stitch a long so silly as this might sound, can you please explain it to me?
We basically all make the same thing or something of the same theme. There are lots of ways to do a SAL, but it's all about group participation! We're still deciding on what to do for this one, but the last time we had one everybody made Final Fantasy themed stuff. It was a lot of fun!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by Shazbang »

Oooh I'd be keen to be a part of something like that!
You guys are gonna take up all my spare time! (That's not a bad thing right now as my partner is working interstate and I go 2 months at a time without seeing him and need distractions!)
I don't have any suggestions but I'll do whatever is decided on! =D

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- Dimensions Tiger Kit
- Disney Dreams Beauty and the Beast 5x7 kit (Up to the back stitching and french knots. Yuck.)
- Assorted small magnets to invade my fridge with

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Re: Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by m4pl3g1rl »

Generation VI of Pokemon is coming out in October, so that would be topical. Or Laura Croft since the Tomb Raider was just released. Or LoZ games. Or game logo/symbols. Skylanders Swap Force also comes out in October. The symbols of the Skylanders are cool.

Does it have to be on 14 count? I just fell in love with 18 count aida fabric. Higher res if you will. ^_^

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Re: Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by RMDC »

blackmageheart wrote:
Pyper wrote:I also like the idea of picking a pattern of a scene or character, giving out the chart with no colours and letting everyone pick their own colours for it.
This was suggested in the other thread - I think it's an excellent idea. It wouldn't be difficult to make the patterns and there'd be varying sizes to pick from. That way there's something for everyone! I was actually thinking of doing this for the stitch-a-long, and had even gone as far as thinking about the types of patterns to have available - samplers, blackwork, sprites and scenes were all things I was toying with. All that is required is a theme. I'd say the theme should be a game or game series. (I know there's quite a few of you who'd like it to be Zelda-themed :P)
Yes, I should note that my suggestions for Yoshi through mushrooms were all based around this idea - a general theme which can accept floss color transplants well.
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Re: Stitch-a-long theme?

Post by starrley »

blackmageheart wrote:
Pyper wrote:I also like the idea of picking a pattern of a scene or character, giving out the chart with no colours and letting everyone pick their own colours for it.
This was suggested in the other thread - I think it's an excellent idea. It wouldn't be difficult to make the patterns and there'd be varying sizes to pick from. That way there's something for everyone! I was actually thinking of doing this for the stitch-a-long, and had even gone as far as thinking about the types of patterns to have available - samplers, blackwork, sprites and scenes were all things I was toying with. All that is required is a theme. I'd say the theme should be a game or game series. (I know there's quite a few of you who'd like it to be Zelda-themed :P)
I like this idea too. And I like the idea of having different patterns to choose from. So all we need is a theme.
I have to first suggest what is closest to my heart... Pokemon. But if people don't like that theme, how about this:
"Geeky sci-fi." We could have a pattern for Star Trek, for Dr. Who, for Battlestar Galactica, and whatever else everyone likes. That way everyone could do one for the show(s) they like. This could be looked down upon since it's not video game themed, and maybe not everyone likes sci-fi.
There's also plain old Mario. Everyone likes Mario, right?
We could have patterns from different games. It would still be a stitch-a-long because we're using the same patterns. Everyone throw out their favorite game, and then the top 3 get patterns. If we went that route, I still have to vote for Pokemon. :pika
Just some ideas. :)
"I assure you, Commander, the cards are sufficiently randomized."

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