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DEC Challenge - Villains

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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Miss Clawful
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Miss Clawful »

Cool guitar version of Storm Eagle's stage. And yeah, keep at 'em. Nothing more satisfying about cross-stitching than seeing the finished pieces, much like beating games, gives me a great sense of accomplishment, cross-stitching even moreso because it's something that I actually made with my own hands.

Slender Man - So many oddities on the internet that I miss because I don't do much exploring.

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by LinkIsMyHomeboy »

Better last minute than never! I give you, Wreck-it Ralph!
My brother wanted a WIR magnet for his locker, so I made this for him at the very beginning of the month, and forgot to take a picture (duh!), so I had to wait for him to be able to get it from school and take a pic for me. Which was somewhat of a feat since he's currently on winter break. But here is nonetheless!

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Emsbutterfly »

Miss Clawful wrote:Slender? Never heard of it. 'Looks it up'. Okay, let me check this out. Watched a 10 minute Youtube gameplay video, pretty creepy game. I can see why you cross-stitched this guy. Game gave me chills like Silent Hill did (and still does) many times. Always fearful of what's going to be around the next dark corner, and this guy seems to just appear there suddenly, just standing there with no face. I take it he rips your's off?
Slender Man himself originated long ago. I believe as some kind of contest entry at Something Awful, if I remember correctly. Now he's a sort of internet version of an urban legend, and the whole thing has many fans. So he appears in stories, photo images, art and fan made games, like Slender.
Slender is such a simple game and that's what makes it scary. Slender Man is always behind you. Sometimes in front of you. You can't look at him for too long or you'll die. If he catches you, you'll die. I'm not entirely sure how, just that you do!
(It's free to download and play, I'd recommend it to anyone who likes very scary games!)[/quote]

I know this is a tiny bit late on this thread but I saw slender man on the vote thread and got excited. There is also a channel on youtube called MarbleHornets. It's this college film project (from what I understand) that turned into somewhat of a sensation. But that is where I was first introduced to slender man some 2-3 years ago. The game is much newer but from what I have seen it is very creepy. (my boyfriend showed it to me after he caught some kids at school playing it when they shouldn't have been but thought it was funny since I had already introduced him to the character) the show is a little slow moving sometimes but creepy, especially when you watch it at 3am in the dark like I did >.> I am not sure if it originated somewhere else previous to this but this was the first I had encountered it. It's worth watching if you are bored and want to get creeped out.

Also, I really liked everyone's entries, pretty awesome!!

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by kuja.girl »

Ok I didn't get to finish mine before I had to catch my plane to CA (wasn't going to try to pack to 40+ colors I needed) but I'm still working on it (I just got back). I'll be sure to share it when it's done :)
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