Everyone likes my backside.

Portal is a logic puzzle. I actually can't play the game because it makes you move the camera angle yourself, which is a skill beyond me.Miss Clawful wrote:I'm lost on the whole Portal thing (as I am with most current, and even last gen game), just know that its some sorta puzzle game involving going through portals. But cute kit stitchandpaddle, creative and functional.
Everyone likes my backside.Looks in mirror, hmm...not too bad. If I knew I'd get so many compliments I'd show me backside off more often.
Should make a mental note (or refer back to this note) that I should at least check out some gameplay on it, even if I'll never play the game ever (I'm way behind on the times, PS2 was the furthest I ever got, and still went back to the older more familar stuff).stitchandpaddle wrote:Portal is a logic puzzle. I actually can't play the game because it makes you move the camera angle yourself, which is a skill beyond me.Miss Clawful wrote:I'm lost on the whole Portal thing (as I am with most current, and even last gen game), just know that its some sorta puzzle game involving going through portals. But cute kit stitchandpaddle, creative and functional.
Everyone likes my backside.Looks in mirror, hmm...not too bad. If I knew I'd get so many compliments I'd show me backside off more often.
But the game is full of sarcastic humour and I really like watching my husband play it.
Concerning the back of your stitching, very fancy. My first thought on seeing it was that it looked like lace stitched on. (There. A compliment without innuendo.)
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...
That's exactly why I started with him, best MMX song ever!Miss Clawful wrote:Storm Eagle is my favorite from MMX, love his stage music as well.
Aww, looks like it will be a good stitching too. Don't give up on it though!Lileya wrote:Oh well... At least I got the project started!
Slender Man himself originated long ago. I believe as some kind of contest entry at Something Awful, if I remember correctly. Now he's a sort of internet version of an urban legend, and the whole thing has many fans. So he appears in stories, photo images, art and fan made games, like Slender.Miss Clawful wrote:Slender? Never heard of it. 'Looks it up'. Okay, let me check this out. Watched a 10 minute Youtube gameplay video, pretty creepy game. I can see why you cross-stitched this guy. Game gave me chills like Silent Hill did (and still does) many times. Always fearful of what's going to be around the next dark corner, and this guy seems to just appear there suddenly, just standing there with no face. I take it he rips your's off?
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...