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DEC Challenge - Villains

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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Miss Clawful
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Miss Clawful »

I'm lost on the whole Portal thing (as I am with most current, and even last gen game), just know that its some sorta puzzle game involving going through portals. But cute kit stitchandpaddle, creative and functional.

Everyone likes my backside. :blush: Looks in mirror, hmm...not too bad. If I knew I'd get so many compliments I'd show me backside off more often. :D

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by stitchandpaddle »

Miss Clawful wrote:I'm lost on the whole Portal thing (as I am with most current, and even last gen game), just know that its some sorta puzzle game involving going through portals. But cute kit stitchandpaddle, creative and functional.

Everyone likes my backside. :blush: Looks in mirror, hmm...not too bad. If I knew I'd get so many compliments I'd show me backside off more often. :D
Portal is a logic puzzle. I actually can't play the game because it makes you move the camera angle yourself, which is a skill beyond me. :confused: But the game is full of sarcastic humour and I really like watching my husband play it.

Concerning the back of your stitching, very fancy. My first thought on seeing it was that it looked like lace stitched on. (There. A compliment without innuendo. :P )

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Miss Clawful
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Miss Clawful »

stitchandpaddle wrote:
Miss Clawful wrote:I'm lost on the whole Portal thing (as I am with most current, and even last gen game), just know that its some sorta puzzle game involving going through portals. But cute kit stitchandpaddle, creative and functional.

Everyone likes my backside. :blush: Looks in mirror, hmm...not too bad. If I knew I'd get so many compliments I'd show me backside off more often. :D
Portal is a logic puzzle. I actually can't play the game because it makes you move the camera angle yourself, which is a skill beyond me. :confused: But the game is full of sarcastic humour and I really like watching my husband play it.

Concerning the back of your stitching, very fancy. My first thought on seeing it was that it looked like lace stitched on. (There. A compliment without innuendo. :P )
Should make a mental note (or refer back to this note) that I should at least check out some gameplay on it, even if I'll never play the game ever (I'm way behind on the times, PS2 was the furthest I ever got, and still went back to the older more familar stuff).

When I cross-stitch I work starting from an approximate center (for Death I started with the left eye, actually misscounted, needed to go down at least 3 more Xs for him to be more evenly centered on the material, but eh, no big deal), typically just do one color at a time (I like to cut them down to as few as possible as soon as possible, less I have to worry about), once finished then move on to the next, though sometimes if parts of the picture are distinctly separated such as with Death's face being one, the clouds, hand and scythe being another, and finally his hood, then sometimes I'll work whole sections before doing another. For Death I actually did both eyes first, them jumped over to the cloud and moon (usually I wouldn't stray so far from the starting point, a miscount could really cost me, but Death went pretty well with very few minor mistakes), the scythe rod, then his hand, scythe blade, the white of his skull, then the light grey, dark grey, and that left me only his hood to do, finishing at the outmost right edge. When cross-stitching I work vertically for the most part, one X at a time, usually working with a 3 foot length of floss, the longer the less I have to anchor. I anchor the floss in the back either along what would be edges of a character's outline closely following that, or if there aren't any immediate outlines or details resembling what could be then I'll anchor the floss vertical best I can to keep it mostly hidden, or at least so everything runs the same way, as I hate horizontal lines just sporatically cutting across the vertical ones of my character's backside. Also, my anchoring tends to be long, as long as I feel I want or need to get a certain look. I treat my backs as kind of another piece of art, somewhat resembling a rougher looking version of the character being stitched on the front. I know that if I stitched primarily horizontally and only doing half the X first then going back that the back would be even cleaner still, but it don't feel natural to me, I'm more comfortable going along a mostly vertical path, so stick with this method.

Here's some close-ups of him, front and back to better see the fine details:

Ooh, totally forgot my mom took some pictures of me cross-stitching Death on Christmas day, here's one, was just starting on the darker grey of his hood:


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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by funkymonkey »

My family also gave me a hard time about stitching an evil villain on Christmas day, haha.

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by blackmageheart »

I'm sure most of you know this creature from the interwebz, and some of you may have even played/heard of the game, Slender. It is probably the most terrifying game I have ever seen in my life. I give you: Slender Man.
Slendy getting festive.
Slendy getting festive.
slendy_1.jpg (250.41 KiB) Viewed 5842 times
Slender Man's front
Slender Man's front
slendy_2.jpg (113.2 KiB) Viewed 5842 times
Slender Man's Back (rarely seen, if ever!)
Slender Man's Back (rarely seen, if ever!)
slendy_3.jpg (120.03 KiB) Viewed 5842 times
Always eyes.
Always eyes.
slendy_4.jpg (126.12 KiB) Viewed 5842 times
Found the front sprite through Google, modified it to make a back (even though it's not usually seen). He needs a base, but he's such a weird size that I'm still looking for something suitable! :D

Credit to the person who originally made the pixel art - I'm sorry, I couldn't find your name but props to you for making such a nice sprite.
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Miss Clawful
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Miss Clawful »

Slender? Never heard of it. 'Looks it up'. Okay, let me check this out. Watched a 10 minute Youtube gameplay video, pretty creepy game. I can see why you cross-stitched this guy. Game gave me chills like Silent Hill did (and still does) many times. Always fearful of what's going to be around the next dark corner, and this guy seems to just appear there suddenly, just standing there with no face. I take it he rips your's off?

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Lileya »

Well, I've had an idea of a MegaMan X project for a little while and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to start with it. I wanted to stitch all the maverick hunters (villains) of MMX then have a stitch of X in the middle as well. I was hoping to get like 2-3 done for today and submit them for the challenge, but I couldn't even get 1 done... :banghead: I'm such a slow stitcher... :cry:

Oh well... At least I got the project started! :nod
storm_eagle_wip.jpg (131.17 KiB) Viewed 5834 times
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Miss Clawful »

Storm Eagle is my favorite from MMX, love his stage music as well.

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Lileya »

Miss Clawful wrote:Storm Eagle is my favorite from MMX, love his stage music as well.
That's exactly why I started with him, best MMX song ever!

If you like that song, you've GOT to listen to that awesome guitar cover :

I've got it on my phone and my ipod and I listen to it all the time (along with other awesome MMX guitar covers, I'm addicted! ;o)
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by blackmageheart »

Lileya wrote:Oh well... At least I got the project started!
Aww, looks like it will be a good stitching too. Don't give up on it though! :D
Miss Clawful wrote:Slender? Never heard of it. 'Looks it up'. Okay, let me check this out. Watched a 10 minute Youtube gameplay video, pretty creepy game. I can see why you cross-stitched this guy. Game gave me chills like Silent Hill did (and still does) many times. Always fearful of what's going to be around the next dark corner, and this guy seems to just appear there suddenly, just standing there with no face. I take it he rips your's off?
Slender Man himself originated long ago. I believe as some kind of contest entry at Something Awful, if I remember correctly. Now he's a sort of internet version of an urban legend, and the whole thing has many fans. So he appears in stories, photo images, art and fan made games, like Slender.
Slender is such a simple game and that's what makes it scary. Slender Man is always behind you. Sometimes in front of you. You can't look at him for too long or you'll die. If he catches you, you'll die. I'm not entirely sure how, just that you do!
(It's free to download and play, I'd recommend it to anyone who likes very scary games!)
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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