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Planning ahead

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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Re: Planning ahead

Post by glitch »

monkeypeaches wrote:I really like the idea of having a pattern but taking out the thread colors so that everyone had a slightly unique creation.
I really like this idea but would it be completely blank or would there be a basic outline (like eyes here, feet here, hands there, etc...)
I live under a rock, where it's nice and cool.

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Re: Planning ahead

Post by Kareesh »

glitch wrote:
monkeypeaches wrote:I really like the idea of having a pattern but taking out the thread colors so that everyone had a slightly unique creation.
I really like this idea but would it be completely blank or would there be a basic outline (like eyes here, feet here, hands there, etc...)
I think there would still be a pattern. Probably suggested colors, but you could choose your own.

I like the idea of the coloring book idea, as well as the idea of having a couple of different choices. That way we can have a choice, there would be more variety, and people who are fast stitchers can stitch more than one, if they so choose.
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June List
- Finish Little Nemo square
- Frame Weather Graph
- Sprite Stitch SAL
- Finish Grandmother's sign

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Re: Planning ahead

Post by LinkIsMyHomeboy »

I really like the coloring book (what us 'muricans call the colouring-in book :D ) idea. That or Zelda (or both!) get my vote. :nod

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Re: Planning ahead

Post by m4pl3g1rl »

Wow I'd join in for a coloring book. Would we have to just do cross stitch? Could we employ other needlework techniques to the mix?

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Re: Planning ahead

Post by blackmageheart »

m4pl3g1rl wrote:Could we employ other needlework techniques to the mix?
In fact, I think instead of "stitch-a-long" it should really be "craft-a-long" as I'd like to see the embroiderers, beaders, crocheters and everyone else get in on it too. :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Miss Clawful
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Re: Planning ahead

Post by Miss Clawful »

I kinda like the coloring book idea, but only if like an actual coloring book there are more than a few choice patterns to color in (a whole book worth of maybe 20 or more to choose from would be sweet), perhaps then there just might be something in there (NES related) that I'd not only enjoy doing but keeping along with the rest of my favorite stitchings.

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Re: Planning ahead

Post by MeiTow »

Alrighty BMH, posting here as requested. :D :D

A few ideas for future challenges:

Indie games - they never seem to get enough love
Common Enemies - for example anything from wolves and bears to Mario turtles, the bat things from Zelda, goblins etc. but not unique monsters from games or bosses or such
Transformations - like a side by side of a character from an old game and a new one (like the "Mario through the Ages" type deal). This one could be as simple as doing a Mario from the NES and one from SNES or doing Link from NES and Link from Gameboy etc. This one could even span to things from movies and t.v. as well.
Favorite Class - a representation of the stitcher's favorite class to play in a game. It could be fun guessing what everybody's is. For example, someone could stitch Aeris from FF7 to represent a healer, etc.
Board/Card games - Pretty self explanatory
Symbols - Like the Bat Signal, Skyrim's Dragon, etc.

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Re: Planning ahead

Post by WeeRamekin »

MeiTow wrote:...Board/Card games - Pretty self explanatory...
I second this idea! I would love to do a board game stitch!
WIP: Mario Through the Ages; Stitch-a-long Sampler; Portal Gift for BF; Learning to work with plastic canvas

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Re: Planning ahead

Post by m4pl3g1rl »

I think Mei has some good ideas! Particularly the symbols one. That sounds like fun. And then people could guess which game it comes out of. Yeah, some would be easy, but we could search for the obscure.

I had another idea but I don't know how to explain it properly but I'm gonna try anyway - minimalist images. I've seen them where it's just a blue background with toad's hat, or Peach's crown or zelda's hat, no shading, really 5 or under colors. We could play a sort of guess who thing.

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Re: Planning ahead

Post by QueenBex »

Has this years Stitch a long subject been decided upon yet? Or will you announce closer to the time?
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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