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DEC Challenge - Villains

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by LucyInTheSky »

I was hoping to make something new for this, but it's the end of December and I am still hastily finishing my last Christmas quilt (it's Tetris! Look for a picture in the next week!) So... Here is my entry - Fawful! I made him as part of the MiniSwap and it's up to BMH if she wants to include him or not. And I am reminded of how kind and compassionate and understanding and nice and beautiful she is :grin:
Fawful (6).JPG
Fawful (6).JPG (178.12 KiB) Viewed 6171 times
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by blackmageheart »

LucyInTheSky wrote:And I am reminded of how kind and compassionate and understanding and nice and beautiful she is :grin:
Flattery will get you everywhere. It's in! :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by LucyInTheSky »

blackmageheart wrote:
LucyInTheSky wrote:And I am reminded of how kind and compassionate and understanding and nice and beautiful she is :grin:
Flattery will get you everywhere. It's in! :D
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by stitchandpaddle »

starrley wrote:
stitchandpaddle wrote:Thanks BMH! I've been pulling them out and they keep breaking and making the stitches loose. I was really worried I'd have to scrap the silly thing but I will have my Wheatley stitching after all! :D
Are you pulling them out with your fingers? That's what I did at first and it was was horrible. Then I realized that if I pulled from one end with tweezers and sort of gently held down my stitches from the other end that they would pull right out.
I WAS using my fingers for the really short ones, because I was trying to do this at work and only had forceps to use- which are AWFUL for handling anything other than gauze. Once I got it home, soaked, and using proper tweezers, I actually fell in love with the waste canvas. I can't wait to finish this project and get pictures posted, because it is honestly the coolest thing I have ever made.

LucyInTheSky--- That quilt is fantastic!!! :clapping: I love Fawful. :)

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by starrley »

stitchandpaddle wrote:I WAS using my fingers for the really short ones, because I was trying to do this at work and only had forceps to use- which are AWFUL for handling anything other than gauze. Once I got it home, soaked, and using proper tweezers, I actually fell in love with the waste canvas. I can't wait to finish this project and get pictures posted, because it is honestly the coolest thing I have ever made.
Once you have proper tweezers and you get a system down, there's something really enjoyable about pulling out all those threads. And the final result is so satisfying! I can't wait to see what you made. :)
Mine is almost done too! :D
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Jatz22 »

this is my entry. i completed it the first wk of dec. n recently found this challenge n thought it wld work. hope u enjoy. made it for my bf as his bookmark :)

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by stitchandpaddle »

Jatz22 wrote:this is my entry. i completed it the first wk of dec. n recently found this challenge n thought it wld work. hope u enjoy. made it for my bf as his bookmark :)
That is CUTE. I'll bet all that black was a pain, though. :good:

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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Jatz22 »

stitchandpaddle wrote:
Jatz22 wrote:this is my entry. i completed it the first wk of dec. n recently found this challenge n thought it wld work. hope u enjoy. made it for my bf as his bookmark :)
That is CUTE. I'll bet all that black was a pain, though. :good:
Thanx :) nah wasnt a pain i cheated and used black adia lol. I thought u cld tell but i guess not, lol. I did it on white a while ago but thought i wld try black :)
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by starrley »

Here is my entry:
I don't know how many people on here are familiar with Mobile Suit Gundam, but Char Aznable is my favorite character. This is him from an arcade game from 1993. To quote, "Char Aznable is arguably the most iconic anime character in history. He's idolized and quoted in Japan in much the same way people in America idolize and quote Darth Vader. Known as the infamous Red Comet, Char remains Amuro's rival from the One Year War until last Neo Zeon War 14 years later. He believes that Newtypes are the next evolutionary step for mankind, and that they should inherit the universe."
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Re: DEC Challenge - Villains

Post by Knittenkitten »

Here's my second entry. My boyfriend also picked this one as he couldn't decide between Vile and Sigma.
Sigma.jpg (40.2 KiB) Viewed 6156 times
LoZ:LTTP Map (page 13 of 15)
Save the Stitches Blackwork
Frederick the Literate Kit
Butterfly Scroll Kit
Rainbow Gallery's Specialty Stitch Alphabet

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