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AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by m4pl3g1rl »

Oh wow, so sorry I missed this challenge! With my kids entering school and all this month, I just haven't been on the interwebs as often as I had been.

I love all the entries so much!!!

To BeadedImagination - I also am a beader, and I noticed you're using beads commonly referred to (at least in the magazines Bead and Button, and Beadwork) as Czech beads, which are great, but they have a rounded donut shape and therefore aren't the best when doing square stitch. They're fantastic in netted stitches. The beads you want to use are Japanese beads like Miyuki Delicas or Toho brands. They're more like little cylinders and lock together better. But I was so happy to see a fully beaded entry I squealed a little. The finishes you picked are fantastic!

I swear I am not a robot or an advertisement for any brand of bead mentioned herein. But I am oh so obsessive about beadwork. And cross stitch!

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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by SofaraStarfyre »

Here is my entry! Some Bling from Dragon Quest 9 Sentinels of the Starry Skies. The King Slime Crown, a Mini Medal, a Dragon's Eye gem, a Sorcerer's Ring, and a Golden Fygg from the tree in the Guardian's sanctuary.


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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by kasura_iome »

I am stitching like a mad woman to get this done by today. I WILL finish it! My fingers despise me atm, but I will finish it if it kills me.
We have until the end of today, right??
Deviantart? Why yes, I do have one! = 3

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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by blackmageheart »

kasura_iome wrote:I am stitching like a mad woman to get this done by today. I WILL finish it! My fingers despise me atm, but I will finish it if it kills me.
We have until the end of today, right??
Technically you have until I get to my PC sometime Sunday :P
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by kasura_iome »

blackmageheart wrote:
kasura_iome wrote:I am stitching like a mad woman to get this done by today. I WILL finish it! My fingers despise me atm, but I will finish it if it kills me.
We have until the end of today, right??
Technically you have until I get to my PC sometime Sunday :P
I am saved! Lol
I was hoping I might have a tad more time, because I want to take the picture for it outside so the sun catches on the thread I'm using, but I'm stuck inside all day today. I am so close to being done I'm getting giddy = P
Deviantart? Why yes, I do have one! = 3

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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by Lunariah »

Here is my entry:
Treasure.JPG (86.04 KiB) Viewed 5686 times
It is a treasure chest from World of Warcraft!
Treasure2.JPG (71.77 KiB) Viewed 5686 times
Inside was a Benediction and some potions. Epic!

And in covering them with glitter, now my entire house is covered with sparkles!
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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by Lunariah »

My husband wanted to get in on this challenge too. He made a forum name, Furryfury, but he didn't get approval to post his before the deadline. (I know, we are both terrible procrastinators :D ) So if it is okay, here is his submission:
ShinyUmbreon2.JPG (71.95 KiB) Viewed 5686 times
He is made in part with gold and silver Perler beads, and a little bit of sparkly paint. He looks even shinier in person. :D
The sprite was from Fire Red from Riddler_Rob on Spriters Resource.
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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by BeadedImagination »

I'm in love with that treasure chest and the gold magikarp is full of awesome. I hate the fact that I had so much homework last week that I didn't get any time to make any more shiny stuff :sorry: Everyone's entries look so great though!
m4pl3g1rl wrote:To BeadedImagination - I also am a beader, and I noticed you're using beads commonly referred to (at least in the magazines Bead and Button, and Beadwork) as Czech beads, which are great, but they have a rounded donut shape and therefore aren't the best when doing square stitch. They're fantastic in netted stitches. The beads you want to use are Japanese beads like Miyuki Delicas or Toho brands. They're more like little cylinders and lock together better. But I was so happy to see a fully beaded entry I squealed a little. The finishes you picked are fantastic!
Another beader!!! Squeee!! Actually I do use Delicas and Tohos, my galvanized gold/silver and silver-lined are mostly Tohos. Like me, those little shiny things don't like having pictures taken of them. I just think square stitch hates me because the first technique I learned was loom, waaaay back in the early 90s lol. Those rupees were a great experiment in different ways to take care of the warp threads to see what looked the best, I'll tell ya that. I'd love to see more of your work!

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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by SheWhoRoars »

I've FINALLY finished my entry!
More Rupees added to the stache! But this time in the form of a bookmark :D The picture doesn't make them look very shiny, but they glint in the light.

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Re: AUGUST Challenge - Bling!

Post by blackmageheart »

Oh, you managed to figure it out SheWhoRoars. (I just replied to your PM lol.) Really love your bookmark!
Lunariah wrote:My husband wanted to get in on this challenge too. He made a forum name, Furryfury, but he didn't get approval to post his before the deadline. (I know, we are both terrible procrastinators ) So if it is okay, here is his submission:
Ahh, that was my bad. I was so tied up in doing the swap PMs that I forgot to approve some accounts before I went to sleep! Of course it's ok to submit it for him! :)

RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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