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APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by arkani »

update pic- almost done!
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by Miss Clawful »

Okay, so a mushroom and a dinosaur are on a road trip (no, this is not the start of a joke, though it is pretty messed up), they've traveled every which way on this long journey finally ending their trip at an alien petting zoo. They take some pictures, "Ooh! Ah!", and then before they can get back to their karts albeit running and screaming, one is eaten (the 'shroom; think the aliens will be having some Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy moments), the other used as an incubator (Xenoyoshi is later born). What a fun vacation. Next time, keep the driving and sight seeing on Earth.

Cool to see the Alien 3 design actually stitched. Looks great. :)

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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by icedragonj »

Ok, so I changed my mind on what I was going to do for my border, (again) but I am really happy with what I have come up with. I wanted it to be video game related, no just a pretty pattern, easily recognisable, and to have a significant amount of backstitching. Do people recognise it?
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by MeiTow »

Miss Clawful wrote:Okay, so a mushroom and a dinosaur are on a road trip (no, this is not the start of a joke, though it is pretty messed up), they've traveled every which way on this long journey finally ending their trip at an alien petting zoo. They take some pictures, "Ooh! Ah!", and then before they can get back to their karts albeit running and screaming, one is eaten (the 'shroom; think the aliens will be having some Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy moments), the other used as an incubator (Xenoyoshi is later born). What a fun vacation. Next time, keep the driving and sight seeing on Earth.

Cool to see the Alien 3 design actually stitched. Looks great. :)
This made me chuckle! As a writer/RPer now I wanna go back and look at mine and try to come up with a backstory. LOL!

Icedragon-> I'm sorry, I must be lame cause I don't "see" it yet. :confused:

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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by blackmageheart »

MeiTow wrote:This made me chuckle!
Me too! :)
MeiTow wrote:Icedragon-> I'm sorry, I must be lame cause I don't "see" it yet. :confused:
I must be lame too, but my first thought was like rocks and a sign from something like Zelda or Pokemon.
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by icedragonj »

blackmageheart wrote:
MeiTow wrote:Icedragon-> I'm sorry, I must be lame cause I don't "see" it yet. :confused:
I must be lame too, but my first thought was like rocks and a sign from something like Zelda or Pokemon.
You're not lame! I didn't really give you much to work with... How about now? BMH you are on the right track.
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by RMDC »

blackmageheart wrote:
MeiTow wrote:This made me chuckle!
Me too! :)
Me three - now I want to make Xenoyoshi. :nod
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by Kareesh »

Icedragonj: It looks like in the corners are the signs from the Pokemon games, but I can't quite make out what the border is made out of. :huh:
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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by MeiTow »

icedragonj wrote:
blackmageheart wrote:
You're not lame! I didn't really give you much to work with... How about now? BMH you are on the right track.
Oh, well if BMH is on the right track...I don't really play the pokemon games or the Zelda games so no wonder I don't know. LOL!

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Re: APRIL Stitch-a-Long - Samplers

Post by icedragonj »

Ok, so maybe it is not as recognisable as I would like, but thats ok, I still think they look good. They are from the first gen pokemon games, in particular yellow version because of the colouring, I thought the sign would be the most recognisable, so I am glad someone saw it =) The top is those ridge things you can jump over, and the sides are some bollards that block your path. I am also doing some long grass further down.

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I also managed to create a small version of the logo (word version). I achieved the italics by offsetting each row by half a stitch, which was annoying as I am working on aida and not linen.

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