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Stitching for Charity 2016/2017/18

Monthly Video Game Craft Challenges
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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by FluffyBunnySlippers »

I found the square I started back in 2012! It has a stain on it, though. Should I just toss it and start over, try to get rid of the stain before continuing or just stitch up the rest and hope for the best?
Quilt Square.png
Quilt Square.png (527.42 KiB) Viewed 11797 times
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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by katdun »

As long as it's not in the stitch area, keep going! It looks great otherwise, and the stain will be hidden so no one will ever know. I had a color bleed around the edge of my Halo square a few years ago, and it was still usable! :nod
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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by FluffyBunnySlippers »

I'll keep going, then! Thanks for the input and for the compliment! I look forward to getting this done, finally.
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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by MeiTow »

I need to get back to stitching mine. All that's left is to fill in a bunch of black...why did I choose a night scene?! HAHA!

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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by SunkistShiek »

MeiTow wrote:I need to get back to stitching mine. All that's left is to fill in a bunch of black...why did I choose a night scene?! HAHA!
I feel your pain, one of my squares is from To The Moon where they're in the light house and 50-75% of it is black/navy blue. I haven't worked on it for a little bit either because of my Master Sword project either.
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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by QueenBex »

Keep going everyone! You can do it! I believe in you! You are all amazing people!!
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by sm531_2003 »

Hi all! I'm new to this forum, but joined because I like the idea of the challenges on here, especially this one! Out of curiosity though, since I'm not sure I can find info on it... where does the quilt go once it's sewn together with all the cross stitch squares users make and send in?

Also, how do you decide what game to stitch? Are there any limits to the type of game, what system it was available on, genre, etc? I really want to do this challenge, but I'm not sure what kind of game scene or character to do, much less, how to do the pattern build since I am currently unemployed and can't really afford to purchase kgstitch or pcstitch.. I'm trying to use pic2pat sine that's the only free program I know of, but it's not doing so hot on the images I have tried.

I've tried patterning pics from stuff like Earthworm Jim, Bubsy, Kratos (from God of War), Donkey Kong, etc, and none of it seems like it would look good stitched, much less whether it'd be the right kind of game/character to go into this type of project... :-/

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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by blackmageheart »

sm531_2003 wrote:Hi all! I'm new to this forum, but joined because I like the idea of the challenges on here, especially this one!
Welcome! Let me try and tackle your questions one by one. :)
sm531_2003 wrote:where does the quilt go once it's sewn together with all the cross stitch squares users make and send in?
If we make just one quilt, it gets sent to the Penny Arcade Child's Play dinner auction, where tons of awesome game stuff gets auctioned off to raise money. If we make more than one, one still goes to the auction, and the other(s) are raffled online or whatever Toni decides!
sm531_2003 wrote:Also, how do you decide what game to stitch?
Totally up to you. People stitch favourite games, things they like the image of, stuff they think will look cool, etc.
sm531_2003 wrote:Are there any limits to the type of game, what system it was available on, genre, etc?
Nope - as long as it's a game it's pretty much allowed. We usually have a wide range of games from many systems, from mainstream to obscure!
sm531_2003 wrote:how to do the pattern build since I am currently unemployed and can't really afford to purchase kgstitch or pcstitch.. I'm trying to use pic2pat sine that's the only free program I know of, but it's not doing so hot on the images I have tried.
Feel free to ask here for help with patterns! I usually can spare time to make patterns, and put them into pdf for you. Alternatively there is still a build of the old free version of KGChart that can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14532#p75774
sm531_2003 wrote:I've tried patterning pics from stuff like Earthworm Jim, Bubsy, Kratos (from God of War), Donkey Kong, etc, and none of it seems like it would look good stitched, much less whether it'd be the right kind of game/character to go into this type of project... :-/
All of those would totally be suitable! Maybe you just need to find the right image to work from. As I said above, feel free to ask for help!

I hope I've been able to answer everything for you, but if you have more questions I am always available! :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by sm531_2003 »

blackmageheart wrote:
I hope I've been able to answer everything for you, but if you have more questions I am always available! :D
Thanks!! I really appreciate your answering all my questions!! :grin:

I'll keep looking and see if I can't decide on one in particular then to start! Thanks again!

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Re: Stitching for Charity 2016/2017

Post by BritRo »

I'm getting started on my square!
I'm not exactly sure how to post a starting photo in this thread through my phone, so I attached it.

Terrible photo quality, I know, but I'm so excited!
20160511_193933.jpg (5.76 MiB) Viewed 11528 times
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