for example, I was requested to make a pattern from this starting image.

I use photoshop. First thing I do is to resize the image to the proper size of the work. Usually this means you take the size you want and multiply it by the aida count of the fabric you'll be using. For example...if you want a 10inch by 10 inch work on 14 count aida, you resize to 140pixels by 140 pixels.
once its resized, we gotta change the # of colors, because there is usually WAY to many...
so, I got to IMAGE->Mode->Indexed Color...
for this example (its not resized to keep it viewable) I chose 18 colors.

now we import it into your pixel program, I use PC STITCH. (kg chart is good too, and free.)
and now the fun part, because once its resized its not gonna look perfect. so you gotta zoom in, and fix one area at a time. PIXEL BY PIXEL. no way around it. Usually during the pixel by pixel part I end up removing a color or two...they'll have like a super dark blue and a black right near each other. In that case I'll make it all one color if it isnt adding to the overall pattern....

all done!