My sister saw me doing some small cross stitching kits when I was staying with her last year, got excited and decided she wanted to learn and that we should do a project together. She bought a pattern she liked off etsy and the materials and we both started it, but she has the worst ADHD I've ever seen and got maybe 100 stitches into it at most. Thus ended her attempt at cross-stitching. LOL. I wasn't too excited about the pattern, especially when I had started doing video game projects

2 Strands DMC Floss on 14ct White Aida Close-up Pattern : ... last-cross
Last week I took this latch hook out of my closet. It's been sitting around for a decade (perhaps longer) only getting a few hundred stitches every couple years lol - less than 15% complete. The canvas had started to degrade at one of the spots it was folded so I figured I should work on it and leave it out until I'm done. Luckily it goes much faster than cross stitch. Almost 60% now.
Garfield's Wreath (24"x24") - J&P Coats
Sorry that the picture is a bit dark.