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Moirae's Misc Stitches (FOs - December 2023)

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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler, Save-the-Stitches)

Post by Moirae »

Thanks for the compliments. I dislike having to stitch white on white in cross stitch, so it's a bit surprising how much I'm enjoying working on a mostly whitework piece :confused: . I haven't really stitched much the last week maybe 3 hrs total (and 2 of those were the SAL), but I did a lot more on the hardanger the previous week. I just had my carpets cleaned though and I was too busy (and hot so hot out here) to hook my computer back up to post earlier.

I finished the last bit of the cut and drawn thread work and stitched some (half-)stars in med. terra cotta (dmc 356) around the entire piece.
hardanger runner WIP 2.jpg
Got some more eyelets done
hardanger runner WIP 2 closeup2.jpg
and, after a few bad starts (I'd already half forgotten how to do the edgings), was able to make headway on the buttonhole stitch around the edges.
hardanger runner WIP 2 closeup.jpg
Last edited by Moirae on Sun May 27, 2018 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler, Save-the-Stitches)

Post by Firehawke »

It's looking beautiful!

Yay for having your carpets cleaned...that's always nice :)

Hope that it cools down for you soon and that you have more time to stitch this coming week! Have fun with your SAL piece!
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler, Hardanger, Save-the-Stitches)

Post by Moirae »

I've been stitching a bit more, but I'm still not up to my best right now. I had some of that carpal tunnel tingling in both hands so I stopped stitching until that cleared up and my left (non dominant) wrist hurts some if I bend it/curl my hand inwards. Joint problems run in the family on my dad's side. :cry:

I try to be good and not stress it and it gets better and then I do stupid things to aggravate it like start playing PC games again. I think holding the hoop for hardanger so much is what triggered it in the first place (that compounded with regular computer use and leaning on my left hand for 5 hours while I dismantled an old box spring to recycle/bin). Luckily, I've found that as long as I use a stand or frame and don't hold the hoop, stitching is actually fine. So, I've decided to set aside my hardanger for a month or two and go back to cross stitch. I've picked my sewing room back up to work on and hopefully I'll get the motivation to continue the SAL piece soon.

A bit wrinkly, but quite a bit more done than in my last post of it.
sewing room 2.jpg
Last edited by Moirae on Sun May 27, 2018 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler, Hardanger, Save-the-Stitches)

Post by Firehawke »

Sorry to hear that you've been having carpal tunnel issues :sorry: That's no fun at all!

Question...have you tried stitching with a wrist brace on or wearing craft gloves? That often helps me, unless I'm having a really bad flare up.

Take care of yourself!

Love watching the sewing room project coming along!
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler, Hardanger, Save-the-Stitches)

Post by Moirae »

Firehawke wrote: Question...have you tried stitching with a wrist brace on or wearing craft gloves? That often helps me, unless I'm having a really bad flare up.
Between gaming and stitching, I imagine this forum has its fair share of carpal tunnel/tendinitis/wrist problems. Especially the women. What is the statistic? 3x more likely to develop CTS than men plus the chance of getting it when you're pregnant.

I tried a pair of wrist compression sleeves recently that wound up not being tight enough. In the process of returning them. I'm a bit wary of buying the (fingerless) craft gloves I've seen so far because I have short fingers and they seem a little long. I've used a stiff wrist brace on my right hand years before (guild wars 2 thank you lol), but I don't like it much. Eventually I think, I'll get another pair of braces/gloves/sleeves, but, for now, I've just been wrapping with an ace bandage and that does help a lot.

Honestly, the pain is nearly gone and doing dishes hurt far more than stitching (another reason to hate the dishes lol). I've noticed that I don't really bend my left wrist when I'm stitching especially on a scroll frame :grin: . I am still taking it easy just in case though.
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler, Hardanger, Save-the-Stitches)

Post by Firehawke »

I'm glad that it's improving...take care! Boo on dishes :P Good luck with returning the sleeves! I've tried a few different styles (between trying to find the right support and braces that work with my allergies...lets just say it's a good thing there's a wide variety :P)

With all the problems forum members are having, should have our own support group topic :P
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler update 10/19)

Post by Moirae »

Because of my wrist issues, I decided to just do some short sessions averaging a total of 50-100 stitches a day on my Egyptian Sampler. When I felt better, I was motivated to continue stitching on it and got several good nights in. I meant to post updates sooner, but I haven't even turned on my PC in weeks :shock:; however, I did take pictures regularly. Pic Spam ensues. I scrolled down some to start on the center and got most of the 1-over-1 Pharaoh's face done. Then I focused on the center panel.
Last edited by Moirae on Sun May 27, 2018 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler update 10/19)

Post by Moirae »

I think my favorite part is the mini hieroglyphic panel. Most of the cross stitching is done in the center. I have around 1-2 dozen stitches left. but I do have 3 more hieroglyph sections, backstitch outlines and blackwork in the background.
Last edited by Moirae on Sun May 27, 2018 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler update 10/19)

Post by Firehawke »

I'm glad that you've been able to work on this despite your wrist...yay for short stitching sessions! (I don't know about you, but when my wrist issues flare up, if I have to take a total break from crafting, I get totally grumpy!)

It is looking all of the detail!!!
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler update 3/4/18)

Post by Moirae »

Whew.. It's been a long time since I posted here; I hadn't been stitching too much and, when I did, it was on the stitch-a-long.
I was away from this project for too long and I had to do a bunch of really short sessions to get my eyes adjusted to stitching on 28 count again and I think that I'll try to make more progress on this one while I'm used to it. Please forgive the bad lighting; I'll take better (daylight) pictures in the next update (hopefully soonish).
Egyptian Sampler WIP March 2018 Top.jpg
I removed my lacing on the sides so that I could scroll to the top and do the rest of the border outlines there.
I also took this opportunity to snap a picture of the bottom part that wasn't visible anymore.
Egyptian Sampler WIP March 2018.jpg
I've managed to finish this papyrus panel (minus the beads). Just another example of the crazy amount of backstitch Wentzler's pieces require. No skipping that here :swoon: .
Papyrus Panel Backstitching.jpg
Last edited by Moirae on Sun May 27, 2018 10:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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