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Moirae's Misc Stitches (FOs - December 2023)

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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by mbiogirlumd »

I love Teresa Wentzler!! Her patterns were some of the first I ever bought when I started cross-stitching in high school. Though I'm sorry to say that I've yet to finish on of her larger works... :blush:

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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by Firehawke »

Wow! It's already looking beautiful...can't wait to see it develop! Good luck!
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by Moirae »

mbiogirlumd wrote:I love Teresa Wentzler!! Her patterns were some of the first I ever bought when I started cross-stitching in high school. Though I'm sorry to say that I've yet to finish on of her larger works... :blush:
Well, before the summer, I hadn't finished much more than a small bookmark or two and I started dabbling in cross stitch 15 years ago. Then last year I finished my Cthulhu (8x10") and did the Epic Mario Through the Ages and my 12x15" Bubble Bobble sampler. So, I wouldn't write your projects off as a lost cause yet :D . Just waiting for the motivation and time.

UPDATE - 2 Weeks later (5 total)
Wentzler 5 weeks whole.jpg
I jump around a lot, but I've mostly been working on the center section.
I pushed myself to finish this area before moving on. Now, all that's left should be a few beads.

From Teresa Wentzler: The bottom central panel is another depiction of the vulture goddess, shown with the disc of the sun god Ra, and the shepherds' crook and flail, which represent the Pharaoh's power as protector and disciplinarian respectively.

Here's a shot of the section with all the normal cross (and quarter) stitching done.
Wentzler 5 weeks vulture no bs.jpg
Here's it finished with the rest of the specialty and backstitch.
Complete but no beads yet
Complete but no beads yet
^ Click if you want to see the hundreds and hundreds of little backstitches in this area.
Wentzler apparently likes to backstitch practically everything including the borders. lol
Special Stitches: The vertical stitching are large cross stitch over 4 threads with a contrasting running stitch. The part above the head contains satin stitching, a large eight sided eyelet and partial eyelets.
In case anyone is curious
In case anyone is curious
wentzler - eyelet large.jpg (19.43 KiB) Viewed 5610 times
Last edited by Moirae on Sun May 27, 2018 10:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by Firehawke »

WOW! The backstitching and specialty stitches add a lot! You are totally rocking this pattern!
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by Moirae »

My mom and I have been cleaning up and getting our place ready for my Aunt that's visiting for 3 weeks (and all the family that's going to be popping over to spend time with her). So, I haven't gotten all that much motivation (or energy) to stitch recently. Actually, I really want to start a new project and I've just kitted it up, but I've convinced myself I need to finish that biscornu first. It'll probably be another week or two before I have a significant update of my projects to post, but, in the midst of our cleaning/diy-ing, we did put these on the wall. :D

Dimensions Gold Collection (kits)
The Mighty Samurai (completed 2016) and Elegance of the Orient (completed 2002)
My mom stitched these. My only contribution was washing, pinning, ironing and getting them into the mats/frames. And you know getting her to finally finish the Samurai. It had been 5-10 years since she worked on it. It was pretty much a UFO. She had only the (extensive) backstitching left, but had put it off and then lost the pattern and the rest of her materials. I had found a copy of the pattern online a few years ago and she still hadn't shown interest, but last year I picked up the threads for her and kept cross stitching and showing her stuff until she really wanted to do some stitching herself. A couple months later she finished :yahoo: and is currently a bit obsessed with cross stitching. Probably a lot my fault lol.
Last edited by Moirae on Sun May 27, 2018 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by Firehawke »

Those look great...your mom did a good job! And kudos to you for your help and getting her hooked again!

Hope your aunts visit goes super well!

(and I totally get the wanting to start a new project but telling yourself to finish another project first...good luck!)
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by Moirae »

It's been 3 months since I've posted any progress. Keep procrastinating it :blush: . I finished my biscornu early March, but I just hadn't gotten around to taking photos.

Here's all the stitching finished with the beads added.
Biscornu Stitching only.jpg
In case anybody wants the information
[Mill Hill 02010 Ice Glass Beads - Size 11/0 , Zweigart 28 Count Lugana - Ice Blue, stitched over 2]
biscornu beads.jpg
Pattern is available on etsy for $3 ... ttern-deep
biscornu top.jpg
I spent 1-2 days trying out hardanger to see how I liked it. Thread is some dmc #5 perle cotton (color 738) I had lying around for the kloster blocks and buttonhole stitching and #8 perle in white for the needle-weaving, eyelets, and dove's eyes. Stitched on DMC 22 count white Hardanger Fabric.
hardanger 1st.jpg
Pattern/instructions for this piece available here FREE
It's actually a pattern for an ornament and the surrounding buttonhole stitch allows for it to be cut out of the fabric without fraying.

For scale: (ruler is in cm)
I'll try to get another post up in the next few days with some actual cross stitching.
Last edited by Moirae on Sun May 27, 2018 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by Firehawke »

Love how these look!!! :clapping:
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by Moirae »

When I said I'd post in a couple days, I was apparently lying and actually meant a couple months :blush: .
I slowed down majorly on my Wentzler piece and started new projects, but I have made progress since my last post for it in February.
july 2017 egyptian.jpg
The Pharaoh is coming along nicely and I'm almost half done with the face and neck which calls for stitching 1 thread over 1 thread [on 28-count].
The stitches are so freaking tiny. I'm now absolutely sure I'm never doing something like a HAED design on 25 count.
pharaoh closeup.jpg
I've also finished all the papyri at the bottom and they look so much better with all the detail stitching now.
So that's 9 down out of 40; Since they go all the ways around the center design, I still have a ways to go.
papyrus closeup.jpg
Last edited by Moirae on Sun May 27, 2018 10:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Moirae's Misc Stitches (WIP-Egyptian Sampler)

Post by blackmageheart »

It's looking beautiful! :)
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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