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The Baking Thread!

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The Baking Thread!

Post by blackmageheart »

Digitlanalog wrote:We need a baking thread in off topic!! <3 <3 :clapping:
Sure, why not!
I'm not much of a baker myself but I can do it when required.
Couple of weeks ago I did some mini Skyrim sweetrolls for my sister's birthday (we also ate Dragon leg and Whiterun corn!) and we were smart enough to take pictures before they disappeared :D
let me guess.JPG
let me guess.JPG (185.7 KiB) Viewed 8257 times
somebody stole.JPG
somebody stole.JPG (176.3 KiB) Viewed 8256 times
your sweetroll.JPG
your sweetroll.JPG (142.06 KiB) Viewed 8256 times
First two are before the icing properly set, third is the LAST sweetroll! :shock:
They didn't turn out awesome, lol. But the sponge was light and fluffy and the icing not too sugary - and all tasted nice! My sister enjoyed them! :D

So, let's see your baking pictures too!
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Re: The Baking Thread!

Post by starrley »

They look great to me, BMH! I love your image titles. I tee-heed. :D
When I was a teenager, my friend's mom made wedding cakes sometimes, and I used to help her. A few years ago, I was determined to start my own cake company, and then my first baby came along and all time and energy went out the window. I've made lots of cakes and cupcakes, but like a dummy I usually forgot to take pictures.
Here's a little argyle cake I made real quick for a family get-together. I found the pics on my cell phone, my horrible dinosaur phone. So of course the quality stinks. :D
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Re: The Baking Thread!

Post by no_need »

Yay baking thread! I'll need to bake something now to take photos of... Lol, my friends will love this! Actually, my friend and I are already planning to make a giant cupcake so I shall probably subject you all to photos of that :grin:

I love the Argyle cake - so clean and simple, and cute!
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Re: The Baking Thread!

Post by blackmageheart »

Love the Argyle cake, starrley! Looks delicious :D

I will be baking again this weekend if I get the ingredients in (just found a new recipe I want to try out!) so will take the pictures and show them here :D
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: The Baking Thread!

Post by JokeOFaRomantiic »

Oh dear. lol I'm a decorator by profession (although it's just a grocery). I'm also trying to start up at home. So I have lots to put up here!

Cupcakes made for my store manager at the time's daughters birthday party:
Monster cakes. Made with all frosting and cake.
Graveyard scene for our Halloween party last year. Actually individual cupcakes instead of cake. Tombstones are made of cake.
Cake made for a customer.
Reindeer cookies!
Snowmen. Hard to see due to crappy cell pics.
Owl. Kept thinking of Hoot Hoot the whole time. XD
Disney princesses! Crappy cell phone cam is crappy. ._. But whole thing (cept the princesses) is frosting....
And in about 18 days, I'll have my wedding cake to put up! Companion cube and Pac-man inspired! :D

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Re: The Baking Thread!

Post by Ally »

..............yeah, so I bake cookies...normal cookies!
Lol projects? What are projects?

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Re: The Baking Thread!

Post by blackmageheart »

Ally wrote:..............yeah, so I bake cookies...normal cookies!
Pics or it didn't happen! :P

Seriously, time you bake cookies take a photo, we all want to see em :D
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Re: The Baking Thread!

Post by merrywether »

Starrley - love the argyle cake, so pretty.

I make a cake every year for my kids birthday, but I almost always use one of wilton's shaped pans. Here are a few that I could find pictures of.
IMG_4216.JPG (65.13 KiB) Viewed 8052 times
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I think so, Brain, but can the gummi worms really live in peace with the marshmallow chicks?
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Re: The Baking Thread!

Post by Philpepe »

My baking skills have only hovered around things that are more practical everyday foods, and less on the decorative fun things... although I may go there some day!

This one time, I baked a loaf of bread using buttermilk... It was so very tasty!
IMAG1181.jpg (45.72 KiB) Viewed 8009 times
I also baked this thing that was supposed to be like a big apple dumpling... it wasn't very good...
IMAG0915.jpg (56.94 KiB) Viewed 8009 times
But I made up for it with this! (The crust is home made, so I count it as a baked good) It was EXTREMELY tasty!
IMAG1371.jpg (63.26 KiB) Viewed 8007 times
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Re: The Baking Thread!

Post by Yurtle »

So, in my spare time when I haven't been crafting, I've been going to baking class!! On the downside, I am very bad at taking pictures of what I've made! I'll see if I can dig up one or two. We've made some pretty awesome things in class! :)

So far, I've taken a general baking arts class, breads, pies, cakes, cookies and bars/squares. Pastries will probably be up next!

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