Sorry for the downtime, welcome back!!

Hello !...

Anything goes!
La Ptite Bete
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Hello !...

Post by La Ptite Bete »

It's been a while... years ! since I last came here... :blush: I don't know if anyone will remember me... and... it's a bit odd to just pop up and say "hello"; but, well. Here am I :wave: Lucy, 34, from France.
I've been pretty busy recently... I try to go back to a rather 'normal' life pace now... I spend a lot of time to collect (and incidentally play) video games, and chat on forums... (I'm on GOG). I also came back to knit and crochet (not stitch yet), after many months of inactivity...
Anyway. I wanted to wish you all a happy new year (despite the sad news recently... I was a huge Bowie fan :cray: )... and take some news too ; because during this long moment of silence, believe me or not, I often thought about you :secret
I'm gonna read a couple posts here and there... but I don't think I'll catch up my > 2 years delay ^^... could somebody make me a quick summary please ? ;-p (I'm kidding) !
I hope you're having a decent/good/great Monday... take care, everybody ! :banana
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Re: Hello !...

Post by Remy »

Welcome back. :) You're hard to forget so no worries. Yeah Bowie passing ripped my heart out too. Hope you're doing well.

La Ptite Bete
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Re: Hello !...

Post by La Ptite Bete »

Remy wrote:Welcome back. :) You're hard to forget so no worries. Yeah Bowie passing ripped my heart out too. Hope you're doing well.
Hey Remy !! :D Nice to see you again !
How are you doing ? what did I miss ? ... :)
I'm fine, thanks ! always the same old myself... :grin:
(Are the forums always so quiet ?... where are all the people ?... :blink: )
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Re: Hello !...

Post by Remy »

I'm under the weather at the moment but that is usually the norm for me. I think activity has dropped off lately due to holidays and we did a swap (mega and mini). So most people have been trying to catch up on things. Hmm what did you miss? Oh Linkismyhomeboy had a little baby boy and named him Link. He's adorable. A lot of us spriters chat over on facebook. I'll pm you my info. We also do movie nights or discuss random weirdness.

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Re: Hello !...

Post by blackmageheart »

Lucy! So good to hear from you after so much time! I hope everything is well with you and your family. You haven't missed lots and lots, I'm sure a quick look through some posts will show you what we have been doing. It is quiet right now but should pick up again soon!
If you make any new projects, don't forget to share them!

On behalf of everyone at Sprite Stitch, bon retour parmi nous!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Hello !...

Post by Clarington »

Hi, welcome back! I'm fairly quiet around here so you won't know me, but it's kind of funny happenstance that I was just thinking about your Monkey Island ghost ship stitch project a couple of days ago, and wondering what happened with it. I can completely relate to long bouts of no crafting, or getting distracted by other crafts, but if you didn't finish it I do hope you return to it someday. I'm also an avid crocheter, so I hope you share some pics of your knitting/crochet projects!
I'm gettin' bloggy:

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Re: Hello !...

Post by QueenBex »

Heya Lucy!!! I remember you!!! Do you remember me? Yeah I haven't been on here much recently either. Trying to get back into it all. But some of us chat on Facebook, getting crazier by the minute :D
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

La Ptite Bete
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Re: Hello !...

Post by La Ptite Bete »

blackmageheart wrote:Lucy! So good to hear from you after so much time! I hope everything is well with you and your family. You haven't missed lots and lots, I'm sure a quick look through some posts will show you what we have been doing. It is quiet right now but should pick up again soon!
If you make any new projects, don't forget to share them!

On behalf of everyone at Sprite Stitch, bon retour parmi nous!
Thanks for the welcome, BMH !! :D
I'm happy to have found the way back to your lovely forums...
We're all doing well, thanks !... The owlets grow up pretty fast... you have a little one too, if I'm not mistaken ? :-)
As for my projects... only knitting ones for the moment (and none video-game related... !) but if I start something, I'll let you know, sure !! :)
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La Ptite Bete
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Re: Hello !...

Post by La Ptite Bete »

Clarington wrote:Hi, welcome back! I'm fairly quiet around here so you won't know me, but it's kind of funny happenstance that I was just thinking about your Monkey Island ghost ship stitch project a couple of days ago, and wondering what happened with it. I can completely relate to long bouts of no crafting, or getting distracted by other crafts, but if you didn't finish it I do hope you return to it someday. I'm also an avid crocheter, so I hope you share some pics of your knitting/crochet projects!
Nice to meet you, Clarington !! :)
I gave up the Monkey Island Ghost Ship project, because the reds didn't turn out well... :-( some were too close, and you couldn't tell they were different reds, so it wouldn't have had the desired effect... I think I need to design another Monkey Island project, with more contrasted colours, maybe... and find the courage to do it, of course ^^
Ho... so you're a crocheter too... interesting :) did you post some of your work here ? or have a blog, maybe... [EDIT : just saw your blog in your signature :D ... i couldn't see it while I was answering you !] Mine is in my signature, you'll be able to see a bit of what I can do... (i warn you, it hasn't been updated much lately) :"|
Last edited by La Ptite Bete on Tue Jan 26, 2016 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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La Ptite Bete
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Re: Hello !...

Post by La Ptite Bete »

QueenBex wrote:Heya Lucy!!! I remember you!!! Do you remember me? Yeah I haven't been on here much recently either. Trying to get back into it all. But some of us chat on Facebook, getting crazier by the minute :D
Hey there, Bex !! Of course I remember you !! :D
Last time I saw you there, you were working on a massive project... I think it was a Disney... not sure. Glad to see you back here too !!
Yes, I heard about your Facebook chatting sessions :-) ... I'm not very comfortable yet, when it comes to speak English... but I'm working on it ! (I had 2 voice/video chat sessions with some gaming friends, on the other side ( and I'm not dead from shame yet, so I guess it's an improvement) ^^

Thanks all for your kind answers... I hope you're all doing great, or even better :)
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