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What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:59 pm
by QueenBex
What is your favourite animal?
Was going to suggest this for a poll but there is just way too many possible answers.
Mine is boring, a dog, all and any!!
Re: What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:28 pm
by Shazbang
Always has been. They're just so beautiful and majestic! =D
But I guess if dragons were real they'd be a strong contender too =P
Re: What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:55 pm
by stitchingmama
Penguins, they're so ridiculous & cute. Someday I will visit a zoo where I can pet one. So if you read the news & see an article about a crazy lady who kidnapped a penguin you'll know my dream came true.
Re: What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:23 pm
by funkymonkey
stitchingmama wrote:Penguins, they're so ridiculous & cute. Someday I will visit a zoo where I can pet one. So if you read the news & see an article about a crazy lady who kidnapped a penguin you'll know my dream came true.
Haha me too! Penguins are my favorite. If you ever travel to Hawaii (Maui), stay at the Grand Hyatt (or at least walk through the lobby). They have PENGUINS in the HOTEL LOBBY. They are African (warm-weather) penguins, but still awesome. And walking around. The hotel lobby.
Re: What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:57 pm
by Kareesh
funkymonkey wrote:stitchingmama wrote:Penguins, they're so ridiculous & cute. Someday I will visit a zoo where I can pet one. So if you read the news & see an article about a crazy lady who kidnapped a penguin you'll know my dream came true.
Haha me too! Penguins are my favorite. If you ever travel to Hawaii (Maui), stay at the Grand Hyatt (or at least walk through the lobby). They have PENGUINS in the HOTEL LOBBY. They are African (warm-weather) penguins, but still awesome. And walking around. The hotel lobby.
I love penguins too! I actually got to take a tour at Sea World awhile ago, and at the very end, they let us pet a penguin. Since it was kind of expensive, I was the only one of my family to go, so I had to ask an elderly couple to take my picture as I petted it. Woo!
Re: What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:22 am
by lcockitt
stitchingmama wrote:Penguins, they're so ridiculous & cute. Someday I will visit a zoo where I can pet one. So if you read the news & see an article about a crazy lady who kidnapped a penguin you'll know my dream came true.
You wouldn't be the first... ... in-drunken ... m-zoo.html
Re: What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:32 am
by Ally
I remember reading about a woman years ago who thought she was buying a pet penguin. She decked out a room in her house with a pool and a huge air con and got everything ready, but as was probably pretty obvious it was a scam. Poor woman!
My favourite animal... I think it's an otter. I like the nature documentaries that show the way otters crush shellfish by bashing them against rocks balanced on their chest. Aggressive little critters, but cute! I'm quite fond of foxes too though (word of advice though, don't look up pictures of 'foxes' on Google Images. I did that as a nine year old doing a school project... I now know the folly of my ways...)
Re: What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 6:38 am
by Yurtle

Re: What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:23 am
by MeiTow
I am a lover of all animals so I have a lot of favorites (and many of them change on a monthly I get flashes where I want to learn, see, have computer background, etc of an animal for awhile and then I'll change it up again) but one animal that has remained a favorite throughout my life would be wolves. I have a shrine for them in my dining room (a curio cabinet full of wolf items) and my hubby tries to get me new wolf items every year. I have everything from statues to books to a life sized plushie, two lamps, my blanket, a rug, a bath towel, playing cards, and hair accessories.
My current second love are alphyn (a mythological heraldry animal) and maned wolves (they look like foxes on stilts!).
Re: What is your favourite Animal?
Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:43 am
by La Ptite Bete
I love owls and hedgehogs !!