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Venting Thread, or FML!

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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by icedragonj »

megatonabomb wrote:I don't like to complain much, but I am absolutely heartbroken about this. Having missed out on all previous Uta no Prince-sama plushies, I was going to order as soon as I could for the Maji LOVE Revolution Otoya and Tokiya plushies. So I stayed up until 4 AM on Nov 13th to order them. The charge stayed on my temporary authorizations for a few days and disappeared last night. I emailed Gift customer support and they said there was an error when authorizing my credit card and that I could only pay through bank transfer or cash on delivery. The order was being sent to a company called Big in Japan to be forwarded to the US, and it says right in their rules that any cash on delivery items will be refused and cancelled. Since I live in the US, bank transfer to Japan seems almost impossible. So I had them cancel my order so I could order through FromJapan. They were both in stock when I submitted my order, but I received an email tonight saying that Otoya is out of stock. So through all that hassle, I'm not getting the one plushie that i wanted the most (I like Otoya more than Tokiya). I'm so disappointed and frustrated. I just feel like crying, all over missing out on an anime plushie... add pathetic to the things I am currently feeling.
That sucks! You should have posted earlier, I live in Japan and could have helped with a bank transfer or mail forwarding.
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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by rockinwithrammstein »

I have spinal stenosis, but it's not bad enough that the doctors are willing to do surgery. I probably wouldn't opt for it anyway, to be honest. That's not the FML, really, it's something I've dealt with for years and years. No, my FML does stem from my back problem. I've thrown my back out numerous times in the last month and it's so frustrating. I know that it's probably something I'm doing throughout the day, but I can't figure it out. The fact that I throw my back out is very problematic because I'm currently taking care of my kids by myself (husband's in school in another state) and because I can't get up, my kids are taking FULL advantage of me. I used to go months in between an episode, but it's been weeks now that I've been in pain.

I think I'm mostly just frustrated at the situation I put myself in because I'm kind of a hermit so I have no help.

Also, I box and jammed my pinky and ring fingers when I hit my bag wrong. So now I have to wait for that to heal as well.


Not too bad of a problem, I said, frustrated at my situation.
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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by SuperKJ »

rockinwithrammstein wrote:I have spinal stenosis, but it's not bad enough that the doctors are willing to do surgery. I probably wouldn't opt for it anyway, to be honest. That's not the FML, really, it's something I've dealt with for years and years. No, my FML does stem from my back problem. I've thrown my back out numerous times in the last month and it's so frustrating. I know that it's probably something I'm doing throughout the day, but I can't figure it out. The fact that I throw my back out is very problematic because I'm currently taking care of my kids by myself (husband's in school in another state) and because I can't get up, my kids are taking FULL advantage of me. I used to go months in between an episode, but it's been weeks now that I've been in pain.

I think I'm mostly just frustrated at the situation I put myself in because I'm kind of a hermit so I have no help.

Also, I box and jammed my pinky and ring fingers when I hit my bag wrong. So now I have to wait for that to heal as well.


Not too bad of a problem, I said, frustrated at my situation.
I'm sorry to hear about your back problems. I hope it gets better for you.
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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by cyvain87 »

Utterly fed up with the damn NHS! Been suffering chronic abdominal pains since April 2014 now progressively getting. Worse or at least feels like it pain wise. I am currently on tonnes of morphine based meds and the pain keeps rearing through, gp can't do much more for me cuz I'm. On strongest meds possible, so he sends me a and e. They do bugger all and send me home practically same state as I went in with the advice to just Increase the oramoeph even more!!! How about finding the cause and fixing me dammit!

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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by rockinwithrammstein »

cyvain87 wrote:Utterly fed up with the damn NHS! Been suffering chronic abdominal pains since April 2014 now progressively getting. Worse or at least feels like it pain wise. I am currently on tonnes of morphine based meds and the pain keeps rearing through, gp can't do much more for me cuz I'm. On strongest meds possible, so he sends me a and e. They do bugger all and send me home practically same state as I went in with the advice to just Increase the oramoeph even more!!! How about finding the cause and fixing me dammit!
It seems weird that they'd just throw medication at you. I don't know anything about NHS, but if you don't mind my asking have they done any tests? Or is it just meds? I mean...chronic pain is not something to ignore.
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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by cyvain87 »

rockinwithrammstein wrote:
cyvain87 wrote:Utterly fed up with the damn NHS! Been suffering chronic abdominal pains since April 2014 now progressively getting. Worse or at least feels like it pain wise. I am currently on tonnes of morphine based meds and the pain keeps rearing through, gp can't do much more for me cuz I'm. On strongest meds possible, so he sends me a and e. They do bugger all and send me home practically same state as I went in with the advice to just Increase the oramoeph even more!!! How about finding the cause and fixing me dammit!
It seems weird that they'd just throw medication at you. I don't know anything about NHS, but if you don't mind my asking have they done any tests? Or is it just meds? I mean...chronic pain is not something to ignore.
They have done tonnes of stuff. Lost count on the number of various blood tests. Also had ct, ultrasound, colonoscopy, urine tests, specialist urine test that had to go to a whole other city to be tested and also had to be wrapped in tin foil for whatever reason. Been seen by gyne, gastrostomy, neurology currently with endocrinology. The meds are just to try and control the pain but it's getting more and more like the pain is either getting. Worse or I'm getting such a high tolerance they are just not working. Anywhere enter as good yet there seems no damn rush to get to the bottom of the pain as I'm stable according to every normal test a and e do everytime I end up there. The factory t I'm in so much pain on so much morphine based medication apparently seems to mean absolutely nothing serious can be up with me as every other thing they do standard test wise is normal. It's utter crazy. Hoping they fix it soon or I'm likely to end up overdosing cuz my brain is just not with it enough to even remember when I last had any meds to keep track of my doses properly, all I know is I'm in pain therefore I take meds. Don't even know what day of the week it is let alone date or month anymore. Think I know the year though at least and my Name and dob.

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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by rockinwithrammstein »

Ooof, that's rough :/ I can relate because I've suffered chronic abdominal pain myself that they only recently figured out what it was (more than 12 years later!). Definitely keep pushing because like I said before, chronic pain is nothing to ignore. And besides that, as you mentioned, they are pushing you into a dangerous chemical dependency and that's probably worse than the pain.
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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by QueenBex »

Woo! Sciatica! I'm not entirely sure what that means but it jolly well hurts! Yey!
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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by cyvain87 »

rockinwithrammstein wrote:Ooof, that's rough :/ I can relate because I've suffered chronic abdominal pain myself that they only recently figured out what it was (more than 12 years later!). Definitely keep pushing because like I said before, chronic pain is nothing to ignore. And besides that, as you mentioned, they are pushing you into a dangerous chemical dependency and that's probably worse than the pain.
Yeah right now I'm bearly making it out of bed and feel like the people who are meant to be carrying and helping look after me (family and fiance) don't even get that cuz of how I feel all I feel able to do us sleep yet I'm. Being forced to keep awake and sill do stuff. Not necessarily anything that requires. Moment but thinking is too tough. I have suffered depression for years and am on pills for it but I've not been able to see those cuz I've been feeling sick with them with all the morphine so that's not helping my general mood coping either. Latest suspected diagnosis of what's up its. Me is Addisons disease but I keep being told that the pain is likely not from that. Where the * do I go from here investigation wise if that is the case?, sigh.

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Re: Venting Thread, or FML!

Post by cyvain87 »

QueenBex wrote:Woo! Sciatica! I'm not entirely sure what that means but it jolly well hurts! Yey!
Dad had that a lot, definitely is damn painful. From what I remember it is back related?

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