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Your List

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Re: Your List

Post by RMDC »

I did time in Oxford, MS, where the University of Mississippi holds its tyrannical court. (Did you know that the speed limit on campus is 18 MPH, in honor of the Manning clan, two of whom have worn that number? True and slightly creepy fact.) The mere mention of "Manning" makes me curl up into a ball. I appreciate the fact that the younger Mannings are far less douchey than the grand patriarch, but the creepy bigots at Ole Miss ruined the family's name for me. :(
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Re: Your List

Post by blackmageheart »

rockinwithrammstein wrote:Toby Turner from Annoying Orange (don't laugh)
I'm certainly not laughing, Toby's awesome. (I would totally have him sing to me in that high pitched voice he does.)
MeiTow wrote:My first celebrity crush was Christian Slater so I keep him on the list even though he's a douche.
I had a crush on him when I was about 9. But he is a total douche so...less said about that the better. ;)

I don't really have a list as such but...
For ladies: Beyoncé Knowles, she's pretty fab. Also Jennifer Lopez (dat ass.)
For fellas: Hugh Jackman is delicious and also a fantastic Broadway style singer, I would have him for dinner. ;) And I have always had a bit of a thing for Vin Diesel.
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Your List

Post by QueenBex »

RMDC wrote:I did time in Oxford, MS, where the University of Mississippi holds its tyrannical court. (Did you know that the speed limit on campus is 18 MPH, in honor of the Manning clan, two of whom have worn that number? True and slightly creepy fact.) The mere mention of "Manning" makes me curl up into a ball. I appreciate the fact that the younger Mannings are far less douchey than the grand patriarch, but the creepy bigots at Ole Miss ruined the family's name for me. :(
Ah ok, fair enough.

As i'm in the UK I miss out on backstories and histories and local news pieces about the NFL and its players, its a long slow progress to learn things and theres still lots I don't know or forget. I watched one game from this season, the rest are on my recorded list waiting. One match a week Sunday night 1am until 5am makes it difficult and then complete silence off season. To be honest I'm still amazed I can name players and put faces to names and know I wouldn't kick Michelle reporting from the sidelines out of bed ;)
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Re: Your List

Post by MeiTow »

RMDC -> I thought you might like this. Posted it here because you mentioned it here. :D ... 3824_n.jpg

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Re: Your List

Post by RMDC »

MeiTow wrote:RMDC -> I thought you might like this. Posted it here because you mentioned it here. :D ... 3824_n.jpg
That image always weirded me out a little, actually - it looks like they caught him on his way home from the store and convinced him to hold a sign and stand awkwardly in front of a camera. :P
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Re: Your List

Post by MeiTow »

Queen B -> ... nning-song

RMDC -> LOL! I could see that. Maybe he was trying to act a certain way but failed. :\

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Re: Your List

Post by blackmageheart »

MeiTow wrote:RMDC -> LOL! I could see that. Maybe he was trying to act a certain way but failed. :\
Or maybe that's what he wanted you to think!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Your List

Post by QueenBex »

Oh my! Yah see this is the sort of gems I usually miss out on! But lets be honest he's way too cool for such songs :cool:
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Re: Your List

Post by LinkIsMyHomeboy »

Oh boy...I have such a list. Here goes:

Tom DeLonge (especially back in early blink-182 days when he had the greasy, emo/punk look and the lip piercing)
Olivia Wilde (as long as she doesn't talk politics)
Josh Hutcherson (more of a cutesy kind of crush)
Jennifer Lawrence
Megan Fox
Brett Favre
Kaley Cuoco
Will Smith
Bradley Cooper
Rupert Grint
Simon Pegg
Jim Carrey (back in the day)
Meg Turney (she's sort of a celebrity, right?)
Josh Peck
Matt Smith (as the 11th Doctor)
Bruce Willis (young, old, whatever.)
Nicki Minaj

That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

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Re: Your List

Post by blackmageheart »

LinkIsMyHomeboy wrote:Nicki Minaj
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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