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Simply The Best

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by RMDC »

It's relatively brief - I completed it in a single sitting, maybe four hours or so. It's like a deep and intense novella.
Mostly hibernating here. Find me on Twitter @rmdcade.

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by Eliste »

RMDC wrote: Who was the lucky dog who got to play the eldritch horror?
I don't know, but I did crucify a baby and use its entrails to predict the horrible deaths of everybody else in the game. It was great. I was the villain and got away!

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by Remy »

Game I've enjoyed the most in the history of ever: Borderlands 2

Game on which I've logged the most hours: a tabletop homebrew rpg (about 20 years), videogame: Skyrim

Game which I would recommend that every single person on the planet play: (depends on the person but here are my usual recommendations) Skyrim, Borderlands series, or Persona series (usually Persona 3)

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by blackmageheart »

RMDC wrote:It's relatively brief
According to Steam, I have played 100 minutes of Gone Home, and that was the whole thing. I don't think I found everything there was to find, but it was a wonderful experience!
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by QueenBex »

Awesome, I'll definitely have a look next time I'm at the Cornerstone.

PS. still haven't got round to looking up my most logged game etc yet and I can't decide on my fav ;P
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by no_need »

Game I've enjoyed the most in the history of ever: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Main reason: I find it genuinely challenging! Actually, still haven't finished it :blush:

Game on which I've logged the most hours: World of Warcraft. I had a full-blown WoW addiction for about 3 years.

Game which I would recommend that every single person on the planet play: ooh, tricky... This one has to be a board game for me: Settlers of Catan, because for some reason, in my experience, almost everyone can find an aspect of it that they really enjoy, and I think that's pretty rare :)
Current projects: 'Heroes' sketch, experiments with surface embroidery.

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--Philip Pullman, The Amber Spyglass

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by QueenBex »

This is certainly opening me up to loads of new games :)
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by QueenBex »

Hey guys, anyone else want to add to this?
Just answer the following questions;

Game I've enjoyed the most in the history of ever:

Game on which I've logged the most hours:

Game which I would recommend that every single person on the planet play:
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by Delver01 »

Sure, I'll give it a shot...

Game I've enjoyed the most in the history of forever?
I love the versatility and social fun of Magic the Gathering.

Game on which I've logged the most hours?
Easily Diablo 2. That game stayed with me through my whole college experience.
But skyrim is a close second.

Game that I would recommend everyone play?
Descent 2. That game truly introduced me to all three dimensions. It's immersive, simple, and a blast to play with friends.

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Re: Simply The Best

Post by smoni »

Hmmm, this is a difficult question!

Video games:

Game I've enjoyed the most in the history of ever: Final Fantasy VIII

Game on which I've logged the most hours: Probably Xenoblade Chronicles on Wii

Game which I would recommend that every single person on the planet play: Xenoblade Chronicles again. Also, Age of Wonders (I particularly love 1, but 2 is good. Not played 3 yet), Little Big Adventure 2 (1 is good too, but 2 is better imo), Grandia I and II

Board games:

Game I've enjoyed the most in the history of ever: Difficult difficult choice. I'm not sure I can choose! Hanabi, Dominion, 7 Wonders. This list could get very long!

Game on which I've logged the most hours: Dominion

Game which I would recommend that every single person on the planet play: Tokaido - it's beautiful!

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