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Post by QueenBex »

If you were given the time, material and motivation to Re-do just one of your projects again. Which would it be and would you do anything differently? Would you alter the pattern, change the colours around, add something?
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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Re: Re-do

Post by rockinwithrammstein »

I don't know that I would re-do any of them. Except maybe the Tina one I sent Ducky for the swap. I might break down and stitch another one so I have one, too lol
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Re: Re-do

Post by Ally »

With my first few projects, I didn't have the cross stitch 'technique' down quite right! I had the tops of my stitches running in opposite directions in each row, and I knotted the thread at the ends instead of threading it under previous stitches to finish, so the back looked like a shag rug. I've restarted my Epic Pokemon one, but I'm dealing with the rest!
Last edited by Ally on Thu Nov 13, 2014 4:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Re-do

Post by Eliste »

The whitework project I did for a friend's wedding turned out to be much smaller than I had hoped. I would've altered the pattern and made it larger (and gotten in done on time!) if I could re-do it.

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Re: Re-do

Post by RMDC »

My very first cross stitch project was a Jannlyn bear piece (looked laughably reminiscent of the Three Wolf Shirt design :P ). I, too, hadn't learned to keep my crosses going the same way, and they were... well, decidedly not railroaded. I wound up misplacing it halfway through and only recently found it again (after three moves!). I'm thinking of starting it anew with fresh materials and doing it right.

I've also considered redoing Gunpei Yokoi's Pirates!, one of my early challenge pieces (for the Mashup challenge, I believe). I still really like the concept, but my execution has several proud nails that deserve revisiting. Aside from my bad stitching technique, I would also restore the sprites to their original sizes. I had reduced them by half for a "4-bit look" to match the blocky CGA graphics of the original Sid Meier's Pirates! game I used to play on my 286 when I was a kid. The characters are easily recognizable, but I think Ridley loses a bit in the translation.

I don't know if I'll be retackling old projects anytime soon, though. I feel like I've still got a lot to learn!
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Re: Re-do

Post by blackmageheart »

I'd redo my still-woefully-unfinished Phantasy Star II fact I've been thinking about doing just that. It was started back when I used to use Photoshop instead of pattern programs, not to mention it could have been stitched much neater. What I'd do different - maybe I'd stitch all the black instead of using black aida, yes I'm nuts.
RMDC wrote:...I've been stitching at an estimated rate of almost a full BMH per day...

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Re: Re-do

Post by funkymonkey »

Most definitely my epic mario stitch. It was the first large project I've ever done, first time using a scroll frame, etc. There are hand stains that didn't completely wash out, and the fabric (to fit on the frame I had) was cut just barely large enough to frame it properly in the end. It still looks a bit wrinkly in the wrong light, even though it's stretched and pinned.

If I ever sell it, I will definitely stitch it again. I doubt I will redo it as long as I have it, though.

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Re: Re-do

Post by Pyper »

One or two that I have given away I would also like to still have.

My first cross stitches are full of little mistakes, random thread directions, and stitched with probably too many strands for the canvas. That said I am immensely proud of them (my parents got my Discworld one framed - first large piece) and its great to look back at them and see how much I have improved. I do have one recent one that I think needed a slightly different blue for part of it, but not enough that it breaks the image.
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Re: Re-do

Post by concraftidor »

I would re-do a project that I haven't even finished, haha! I'm making a vintage family tree sampler for my mother, and decided to stitch on 28 count to give it that detailed, vintage look. big mistake. It's taking me a lifetime to finish and is very repetitive, making the tiny size all that much more annoying. It will be beautiful when it's finished, but a bump up to 18 would have made it so much easier.

I'd also likely re-do the first project I ever made when I was 13 or so, which was a Clockwork Orange poster turned into a purse. It came out wicked cool, but I used full strands of pearl cotton, which were waaaay too thick for the fabric. I pierced my fingers more times than I can count trying to jam the needle through. Ah well, rookie mistake!

I agree with everyone who has said projects with staining; that's something that always infuriates me. My secret lately has been wearing compression gloves, which also helps with cramps.
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Re: Re-do

Post by QueenBex »

I would love to re-do the legend of Zelda piece I did for my sister, just to see if I could get it neater
"much better to have a bottom that naturally flattens out than one that goes every which way when it's sitting on a surface" -RMDC

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