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Instrument you play(ed)

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Re: Instrument you play(ed)

Post by icedragonj »

I play the violin, ukulele and a bit of guitar. I also sing, mostly in a church band, but also had some chior experience. First year uni I joined the casual student orchestra as they were doing a video game themed concert. It was great fun including tunes from zelda, final fantasy, pokemon, wow, disgea, tetris, and maybe some others I have forgoten. Lately I have been doing more ukulele and recently bought a guitar. Lots of fun :grin:
I am known across campus as "The girl who knits in lectures"

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Re: Instrument you play(ed)

Post by Mai »

I used to play violin, recorder, acoustic guitar, electric bass and piano. Now I don't play anything >.< It seems all my ability to play musical instruments has left me.

I can sing, though XD

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