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Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

video game related pattern requests...
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Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by axewoundv2 »

Hellooo~ I'm requesting a PDF of this image of all the Eevee evolutions (I've seen a million but this one is different as far as I know. If not let me know and I'll gladly go to the link! <3) Thank you in advance! <3 :pika
tumblr_l6ycd0dMMl1qa8kbzo1_500.png (145.74 KiB) Viewed 13012 times

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Re: Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by Pyper »

Very cute :) what sort of size are you thinking (either for each or the image) and how many colours? Also, if possible, can you tell us the artist and preferably ask them for permission to pattern it? Most artists are fine with it but some prefer us not to.
WIPS: Dwarf Fortress blanket, sailing ship stitch, shiny pokemon, moth bags

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Re: Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by axewoundv2 »

I'm actually not sure of who the artist is as I found it on Tumblr which makes it enormously hard to find the source of, but I can attempt at googling it and see if I get any results. And as for size, probably medium sized like about a half a sheet of printer paper maybe? However that translates into patterns, I've never made or requested a pattern before so I'm fairly uneducated in all this. And the colors look like most of them can be reused, I'll make a chart of the colors a bit later as I'm leaving somewhere right now and don't have time but I'll come back and do it probably tonight or tomorrow. 10 colors total: beige, yellow, brown, dark brown, red, green, blue, light blue, dark blue, off-black, and light purple. I think. haha thank you

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Re: Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by axewoundv2 »

After extensive searching I couldn't find the artist. But it seems like a lot of people have that image on Weheartit, Tumblr, and various other blog sites. I have a feeling after seeing it copied and pasted so many times the artist is hardly going to be found, and if they were I'm sure they wouldn't mind the usage since it's only personal use. Usually when artists get uppity about other people using their art it's when other people are selling it, and I'm not selling it. SO I think it's fine. :) We'll just credit it to artist anonymous.

Besides that, I made a chart of the colors I wanted to use in Photoshop, they're DMC colors. The dots on the right are the colors from DMC and the colors from the left are the colors from the image. I got as close as possible as I could with them. OH and I miscounted, there's not 10 colors there's 12. Somewhere I miscalculated.

beige: 746
yellow: 3078
brown: 422
dark brown: 433
red: 758
dark red: 3827
green: 101
blue: 996
light blue: 746
dark blue: 826
off black: 317
light purple: 554

I would appreciate it so much if you could do this for me!! :) Somehow I'll figure out how to make patterns on my own, I'm sure I can but it would just take me a while to figure out and I'm not quite ready for that. I'm just a beginner stitcher so I better take things as I can haha. Thank you again <3
eevee color dmc.png
eevee color dmc.png (40.33 KiB) Viewed 12940 times

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Re: Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by Pyper »

OK I had a go at patterning one of them, to see if you like the style and size

First up is around 60x65 sititches or so, which is roughly 4" on 14 to 18 count. This may be a bit big
Cuteeevee.png (4.04 KiB) Viewed 12897 times
So I also made a half sized version, which is about 35x35 sitiches, or about 2" depeding on fabric count.
cuteEeveeSmall.png (657 Bytes) Viewed 12897 times
With pattern
cuteEeveeSmallPattern.png (13.92 KiB) Viewed 12898 times
WIPS: Dwarf Fortress blanket, sailing ship stitch, shiny pokemon, moth bags

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Re: Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by axewoundv2 »

I want to say the first one, because the second's eyes look strange but I'm sure I could just stitch a for square instead of doing the three that way. Let's just do the second one since it's smaller, probably be less tedious haha. Thank you!

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Re: Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by Pyper »

Here they are. Pixel image and KG-Chart pattern. Ignore the colours listed and use your own - some of them displayed very strangely... Also I could only get it down to 15 colours
AllTheEevees2PxNB.png (4.32 KiB) Viewed 12860 times
(18.02 KiB) Downloaded 837 times
Can someone please pdf them? Cutepdf appears to have quit on me and refuses to print/save anything
WIPS: Dwarf Fortress blanket, sailing ship stitch, shiny pokemon, moth bags

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Re: Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by carand88 »

pdf'd it :D

very adorable pattern, btw
(193.37 KiB) Downloaded 1074 times

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Re: Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by axewoundv2 »

Yayyy! Thank you so much! <3 <3 <3 I'll post a picture of it when I'm done, whenever that will be. Still working on something for my boyfriend at the moment lol. My xbox addict haha. :)

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Re: Pokemon Eevee Evolutions Request

Post by kasura_iome »

Is there any way I can persuade you to do the other evolution in the 60x65 stitches?
= ]
Deviantart? Why yes, I do have one! = 3

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