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FF save screen bookmark

video game related pattern requests...
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FF save screen bookmark

Post by mooglegirl »

I'm hoping that some one can help me out and make a pattern for the FF save screen bookmark that was posted in the blog. I've tried to make the pattern so that it would be approximately 4 inches wide and about 5 - 6 colours but I'm not very good with KG Chart yet. I'm trying to make this for my dh so I can't let him see me trying to make the pattern.

Thanks to anyone who can help me out. :)

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Lord Libidan
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Re: FF save screen bookmark

Post by Lord Libidan »

I looked at this pattern before and I could swear I wrote a response... (Think I may be going crazy...)
Anyway, you'll struggle to do it without doing it on something like 22 count fabric, as there are just too many pixels in the image. I tried a long time ago (I even brought one) but its just too detailed.
I can give it a go if you want, but as I say, it will most likely be on a very high count fabric...

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Re: FF save screen bookmark

Post by mooglegirl »

Sorry if you've replied about this before. I did check the forum before I posted but I might have missed it. :$

If you could work up the pattern that would be great. If it needs a higher count fabric I know a store where I can get just about any colour and count fabric I can think of.

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Lord Libidan
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Re: FF save screen bookmark

Post by Lord Libidan »

Is the size 471x135 ok with you?
I had a go at it, but as I say it doesn't really work. If I were you I would select one colour blue and do all the background in it, rather than the faded effect...
FF SaveBook.pdf
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Re: FF save screen bookmark

Post by mooglegirl »

Thanks for the pattern. When I get a chance I'll try your advice about the higher count fabric and the solid blue background.

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