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Pusheen + FF14

video game related pattern requests...
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Pusheen + FF14

Post by MissAstraea »

I honestly cannot tell if this is the right request board or not. If it's not, I'm terribly sorry.

I'm hoping to get this image made into a pattern. It combines two things my fiance loves, Pusheen and his Great Serpent of Ronka in Final Fantasy 14.

I don't want a ton of colors. 10 or less maybe?
I'm not sure on size, but I want it to be big enough to sit on an office desk at work or home with as little loss on detail as possible.
DMC colors please
Background isn't required, I can just find a pink fabric to stitch on.
Thank you for any help anyone is able to give me!


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Re: Pusheen + FF14

Post by Pyper »

I've done a pattern for this one, let me know if you want it a different size. I've gone with around 100 stitches square (ish). I would recommend picking your own colours, as sometimes the software is a bit iffy on colour selection.
SS Catworm.png
SS Catworm.sth
(8.39 KiB) Downloaded 734 times
SS Catworm.pdf
(192.67 KiB) Downloaded 770 times
WIPS: Dwarf Fortress blanket, sailing ship stitch, shiny pokemon, moth bags

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