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Metroid Zero Mission End Screen

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Metroid Zero Mission End Screen

Post by Blixthand »

I'm wondering if anyone would like to take on creating a pattern for my favorite end screen from Metrid Zero Mission for the GBA? I've never made a proper pattern before, so I wouldn't dare. I usually stitch on 18 cnt, but I could go 20. I tried smaller than that once, but had to give up as it took me about an hour to put five stitches in, so I'd rather it looked a bit blocky. I don't know to well about sizes. The GBA screen was 240 pixels across, so as far as I gather the pixel dimentions of this image would be 240w416h (unless I misscalculated), but I can also understrand that a pixel by pixel stitch might not look the best up close? LIke I said I've never made a proper pattern before, but if 240x416 would work, by all means go for it. The largest project I've done was 240x300, and I've made several projects around 250x250, so I'm not perterbed by the size. As for colors I've worked with up to 100 colors before, and that probably my limit, on that project I had some trouble keeping everything organized and there were a lot fo colors only used for one or two stitches, which seemed a bit wasteful. Forever greatful if anyone take up this request

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Re: Metroid Zero Mission End Screen

Post by ovi.sergiu »


I couldn't find the details regarding the unit measurement you like (inches? cm?)
Here are two versions, I managed to get.
Are they too big for you? I could try something smaller.

The datails are below of each image.
Make sure you open the images in a new full window, so you don't get tricked by the forum's resizing.
v1 250w x 433 h stitches 318x550mm 12-5x21-65inches 20ct 60DMC.jpg
250w x 433h stitches = 318 x 550mm = 12,5 x 21,65 inches
fabric 20 ct
60 DMC colors

v1 250w x 433 h stitches 318x550mm 12-5x21-65inches 20ct 80DMC.jpg
250w x 433h stitches = 318 x 550mm = 12,5 x 21,65 inches
fabric 20 ct
80 DMC colors (more details)
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Re: Metroid Zero Mission End Screen

Post by Blixthand »

Wow, they look amazing both of them. I'm Eurpopean, so mostly use cm, except for when counting stitches/inch for the Aida size. I think they are a pretty good size, both in stitches and cm. This will nicely cover a decent part of wall when it's finished, so I can properly display it. It hard to choose one I like better actually. Looking especially at Samus in the background I can see pros with both versions, but overall I do prefer the one with 80 colors, so I would have to choose that one. Thank You!

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Re: Metroid Zero Mission End Screen

Post by ovi.sergiu »

Sorry for the delay, but here it is:
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Re: Metroid Zero Mission End Screen

Post by Blixthand »

Thank you very much. I will order a new stretch of Aida and the colors I need right away. I'll post some WIP photos once I get started.

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Re: Metroid Zero Mission End Screen

Post by Blixthand »

I've now started a new thread in the Stitching part of the forum, follow the progress over there


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