... sp=sharing
For making your lists, checking them twice, deciding you'd rather be naughty, etc.

So, those of you who saw/have been chatting in the Who Scarves thread know what this is about. For everyone else, we were talking about making our own Fourth Doctor/Tom Baker scarves, and being generally disappointed in our options of yarn.
I had an idea, that since it's hard to find stuff here in Australia - things like lots of the brands of wool/yarn the US/UK get, cones of DMC floss, colored aida,metallic threads (DMC Diamant, lookin' at you), etc, my idea was that if we could pool our resources, maybe getting these things wouldn't cost upwards of an arm and a leg to ship it over, as the cost would be split between us, and it's pretty cheap to send stuff to each other interstate.
I was thinking mainly for online ordering - but Rhaben had the cool thought of stuffing a flate rate box,and sending it off labeled as a gift to avoid customs fees, and then being paid in advance/reimbursed through paypal.
..Thinking about it, though i'm uncertain of the shipping from the US to other countries that aren't Aus, if it's super expensive, this could work for you guys too - shop as a group and divide it up and send it out domestically... or have a magical helper who sends you nice things in a flat rate box.

This could all easily work both ways, too! To and from the US!
Opinions? People wanting to join in as a helper monkey? People wanting to pool cash and get awesome stuff?