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Floss organizer sheets available

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Floss organizer sheets available

Post by funkymonkey »

I'm doing some cleaning of my craft room, and I have a bunch of extra pages for organizing floss bobbins available.
sheets.jpg (71.82 KiB) Viewed 30343 times
Here's a picture of how I use them. I am super anal, so I cut larger bobbin cards out of poster board (or soda boxes, or cereal boxes) that fit the pockets perfectly. You can use store-bought floss bobbins, but they don't lay as flat.

I have 16 pages to give; that would be enough to hold 320 bobbins. I'd like to give them to whoever wants to use them; no charge or swap needed. I was going to donate them to the SS Vault, but it's a weirdly specific thing that not necessarily everyone would want, so they'll go to the first person who speaks up. If this system looks like something you'd like to try, let me know and I'll ship em to you! (US only? probably wouldn't be worth the shipping to send it internationally).

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Re: Floss organizer sheets available

Post by out2lunch »

Oh hey! That's how I organize my floss. I love being able to see all the colors laid out. I never thought about cutting the bobbins to fit tho, I really like that idea.
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Re: Floss organizer sheets available

Post by knicole09 »

Where can I find these? I tried to look for them online but I couldn't find any to purchase.
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Re: Floss organizer sheets available

Post by funkymonkey »

Here are the ones I bought, they actually are "2x2 coin collecting" sheets: ... B002KDNAU2

I do still have my 16 sheets available if you want them, PM me your address!

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